“It would be positive, because the airport is one of the largest job providers in Charleroi. However, this is not our priority request from the SNCB as part of its future investment plan”reacts Thomas Dermine, mayor of the metropolis. “Our top priority is to organize direct connections in the morning and evening connecting Charleroi to Brussels in less than 40 minutes. This does not require any investment in railway infrastructure, unlike a new line and a new station. Today, it takes a little less than an hour to reach Charleroi-Central to Brussels-South, the same as in 1920. It is not normal that within the same country, Ghent is connected to Brussels in just 33 minutes while it takes almost double, for the same distance, with Charleroi.”
According to the local mayor, “these investments would make it possible to reduce travel time for the many commuters from Charleroi to Brussels but could also reduce connection time for users of Charleroi airport. From the central station, they can take a direct and frequent bus to the airport.