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If some French people are struggling, with purchasing power still very fragile, retirees can rejoice. Contrary to what Michel Barnier’s government wanted, basic pensions will increase according to inflation in recent months.
As a reminder, the former Prime Minister wanted, initially, to freeze the annual revaluation. Enough to provoke the anger of retirees, who are counting on this increase to cope with the crisis. Finally, Michel Barnier reviewed his position by opting for a lower revaluation. But, following the censorship, pensions increase as provided for by law, up to 2.2%.
Pensions: a welcome upgrade
Since January 1, retirement pensions, both for public and private sector retirees, benefit from an increase of 2.2%. After weeks of uncertainty, this increase finally sees the light of day according to the classic annual revaluation formula.
At first glance, retirees might be disappointed. In fact, this increase is more relative than that of January 2024. A year ago, seniors actually benefited from a 5.3% increase in value.. But the economic context was not the same.
To have
Good news for retirees: this advantageous system is more easily accessible for your retirement
Inflation has been slowing down for twelve months and continues to fall. It is therefore logical that the increase is less significant. In hindsight, this is an increase that is obviously welcomeespecially since retirees might not have benefited from it if Michel Barnier was still in power.
The schedule to know regarding payments
When the January pension was paid, many retirees noticed no difference. And that makes sense. Indeed, the revaluation begins from the January pension. However, its payment takes place the following month or at the end of the month for some French people.
The first to notice the difference will be territorial and hospital retirees (CNRACL). They will benefit from the revaluation from Wednesday January 29, 2024. It will be the next day for state civil servants and retirees. In fact, they will receive the revaluation as soon as their pension is paid, on Thursday January 30.
-Patience is required, on the other hand, for the general retirement insurance system. Indeed, the 17 million retirees affiliated to this scheme will have to wait until Friday February 7, 2024 to receive their increased pensions.
A notable exception concerns retirees from Carsat d’Alsace-Moselle, who benefited from the increase from Thursday January 2, 2024 thanks to an exceptional regime.
To have
Agirc-Arrco pensions: this essential document must be provided for taxes in 2025
Banking deadlines and practical advice
It is important to note that the dates we have just mentioned correspond to the issuance of transfers by pension funds. Depending on the banks, the funds may take one to several additional days to actually be credited to retirees’ accounts.
To avoid any confusion or concern, we advise you to check directly with your banking establishment in the event of a delay or apparent problem. Share this information with your loved ones to help them better organize themselves for these important deadlines.
If they don’t notice any difference in February, there may indeed be an error. They must act to avoid missing out on the increase in their retirement pension.