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Throughout their lives, depending on the amount they earn, the French pay income tax. The latter makes it possible to finance education, health, social security or even security and social services.. We often forget it, but retirees also participate in this effort.
It depends, as for the others, on the income they have each year. In France, there is the basic pension, but also supplementary pensions. The organization then depends on your situation.
For example, for former private sector employees, it is Agirc-Arrco which pays the supplementary retirement pension. Gold, affiliates, who number more than 14 million, can already access an important document.
Retirement and income tax
The 14 million retirees affiliated to the Agirc-Arrco supplementary scheme can access their 2024 tax certificate. This document allows you to check the taxable amounts of their supplementary retirement pension. This allows them to have a vision of what awaits them in a few months.
To have
This aid for all retirees who do not have enough quarters, it will increase their pension
Certainly, the income declaration campaign for the year 2024 begins in just three months. However, Agirc-Arrco already offers retirees the possibility of consulting the amount of their taxable pension. This anticipation facilitates the verification of the data transmitted to the tax administration.
As a reminder, the taxable amounts of pensions, whether they come from basic or supplementary plansare communicated directly to the tax administration. This procedure ensures that you receive a pre-completed tax return, available each spring.
According to Agirc-Arrco, the amounts you find in the declaration correspond to gross taxable amounts paid between January 1 and December 31, 2024.
How to obtain your Agirc-Arrco tax certificate?
Unlike before, the administration no longer systematically sends tax certificates by mail. However, this valuable document remains accessible online, on your computer or smartphone.
-Thus, retirees can consult these certificates in two different ways. First, by going to their personal space on the official Agirc-Arrco website. Otherwise, using the mobile application “ My Retirement Account« .
To have
Find out everything about this little-known and free help this winter for Agirc-Arrco retirees, those concerned
These platforms provide quick and secure access to your tax certificate, allowing you to download or print it as needed.
For people less familiar with digital tools, it is possible to retrieve information by telephone. For that, retirees can call 0970 660 660 (non-premium rate call). To make the process easier, don't forget to bring your Social Security number. Follow the instructions of the voice server, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A platform that centralizes information
Please note, in addition, that the online service also allows you to consult the tax certificates for all of your retirement plans. These documents will gradually be made available. For retirees, this helps avoid unpleasant surprises and makes it easier to plan ahead.
By anticipating the verification of taxable amounts, retirees can ensure the accuracy of the information declared to the tax administration. So, they avoid any inconvenience during the declaration period.
We regularly say about Nuit France that it is essential to prepare for retirement in advance. But even once retired, organization is essential to avoid finding yourself faced with anomalies or errors.