The lady at Walmart doesn’t speak English

The lady at Walmart doesn’t speak English
The lady at Walmart doesn’t speak English

You saw it pass this video? In a Walmart, an English-speaking customer humiliates a French-speaking saleswoman… because she doesn’t speak English.

He films her (without her consent) while he humiliates her, assaults her.

Monsieur is oppressed! The gentleman’s rights are infringed! This poor little Anglo couldn’t ask “In which aisle are the towels?» or «Do you have bananas?» in a big box store in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Boohoo! Sniff sniff! Help! Call the Language Police! Contact the Human Rights Commission, nay, alert the UN!


It’s still the world upside down! The official language in Quebec is French. But the guy, an arrogant, condescending, unpleasant, vindictive Anglo, DEMANDS to be served in English as if his life depended on it.

The worst? In the video, we see that he speaks French very well!

At a time when all of Canada is asking “What does it mean to be Canadian?” and “What sets us apart from the United States?”, I think this video perfectly expresses what daily life is like in this completely schizophrenic country, which speaks out of both sides of its mouth, with his one-way bilingualism.

Members of the most pampered linguistic minority in the country complain with their mouths full and play false victims at the slightest opportunity.

Imagine for two seconds that you could demand to be served in French in a Walmart in Flin Flon, Manitoba? Or in the town of Greenwood, British Columbia, which, with its 700 inhabitants, is the smallest town in the country?

It appoints a governor general who only speaks their language, it chooses politicians who only speak their language, it has hospitals where only their language is spoken (I remind you that I was unable to get treatment in French at the Jewish in 2021), there are CEGEPs and universities and businesses and newspapers and TVs and radios just in their language… and they start shouting at a little old lady because she doesn’t speak their language ? But did they fall on their heads or what?

We are not in New Brunswick, we are not in a bilingual province!


Mr. Angry says to the employee: “I want your bosses to see the kind of service we get at Walmart.” Well, it’s not just the bosses of Walmart but all of Quebec who saw that in this business, an exemplary employee gave… very good service.

The Walmart employee’s name is Henriette. In the video, we see that she is extremely patient. She offers several times to Mr. Angry to introduce him to an employee who speaks English. She remains polite, smiling, kind. A true saint.

Are we all Henriettes? Polite, kind, smiling, ready to kowtow in front of arrogant, aggressive, condescending customers?

Isn’t it time we stopped being like Henriette and were a little more like Pierre (Falardeau)?

The next time we are told “Speak white!”, why would we not answer “No way!»?



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