The debate show “Les beaux loques” on RTS inaugurated the complete overhaul of its columnists on Sunday. Gabriel Bender, Yvan Radja, Slobodan Despot, Micheline Calmy-Rey and Suzette Sandoz have definitely laid down their gloves.
For this first 2025 edition, journalist host Jonas Schneiter received three new faces: François-Henry Bennahmias, ex-CEO of Audemars Piguet, Viviane Morey, educator and founder of the Fête du Slip, and Myret Zaki, journalist for “ Blick”.
As an appetizer, Benjamin Decosterd returned to the collaboration of the Vaud police with the very posh École hôtelière de Lausanne. He mocked François-Henry, “a name that has more problems with taxes than with the cops.”
-The show covered the news of the week with ten years of “Je suis Charlie”, the future of press cartoons, fires in California, prisons in the United States, citizen police and even the elimination of parking spaces in cities. The guest was Danièle Gostelli Hauser, Head of Economy and Human Rights at Amnesty International, who came to present the launch of the new initiative for responsible multinationals.
Throughout the Sundays, listeners will be able to hear Anna Lietti, journalist and author, Nicolas Jutzet, ex-Jeunes PLR, Anne-Sophie de Rous, photographer, Yves Rossier, Swiss diplomat, Sylvie Makela, Lausanne entrepreneur, François Marthaler, ex-advisor of Vaud ecologist, and Christian Lüscher, lawyer and former Geneva PLR national advisor.