The voluntary regularization operation of the tax situation allowed the declaration of more than 127 billion dirhams (MMDH), thus exceeding initial forecasts, said Thursday in Rabat, the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, spokesperson word of the government, Mustapha Baitas.
This operation, which aims to encourage taxpayers to voluntarily regularize the situation of their undeclared profits and taxable income before January 1, 2025, was crowned by exceptional results which far exceeded initial forecasts, said Mr. Baitas in response to questions from journalists during a press briefing following the Governing Council.
And to add that this declared value (127 billion dirhams), which made it possible to replenish the State treasury by 6 billion dirhams, is capable of contributing significantly to the financing of the national economy and giving it a strong boost.
The minister stressed that these results reflect the success of this operation in achieving the expected objectives, notably by establishing trust between the tax administration and taxpayers, improving tax compliance and providing significant financial resources to the financial sector. to strengthen its financing capacities for the national economy.
Furthermore, Mr. Baitas indicated that the positive evolution of resources made it possible to cover the recorded increase in total expenditure, noting that tax revenue (35.9 billion dirhams) “made it possible to meet expenditure relating to the component social, including the cost of social dialogue, as well as the fight against inflation through a series of measures.
-These tax revenues, he added, contributed to the efforts to finance the increase in salaries of the various public service bodies (13.8 billion dirhams in 2024), which benefited approximately 1,127,000 beneficiaries, as well as as support for sectors, notably transport and electricity and the activation of measures aimed at controlling inflation and combating the effects of drought.
Concerning the evolution of tax revenues in 2024, Mr. Baitas indicated that the value added tax increased by 12 billion dirhams (6 billion dirhams for the value added tax on imports and 6 billion dirhams for the value tax added internally), as well as income tax (9 billion dirhams), corporate tax (8 billion dirhams), internal consumption tax (3.7 billion dirhams) and registration fees (1 billion dirhams) .5 MMDH), in addition to customs duties (1.4 billion dirhams).
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