Land attack in Notto Diobass: The population angry – Lequotidien

Land attack in Notto Diobass: The population angry – Lequotidien
Land attack in Notto Diobass: The population angry – Lequotidien

“Conflicts and disputes are brewing almost everywhere in the municipality of Notto Diobass, where the Municipal Council recently carried out decommissioning, the consequences of which will later arise.” The report comes from the Collective of land holders from the village of Kissane who, during a press briefing held on January 4, 2025, vigorously denounced “land aggression in the commune”.By Cheikh CAMARA –

In Notto Diobas, the population is offended by “the cheating that is taking place in Kissane”. “We cannot accept the fact that people from elsewhere are taking the land away from the populations who have preserved it for years and years, appropriating it and subdividing it and speculating to the great dismay of the local populations” , say the residents.

The communications officer of the Association for the Development of Kissane, Arona Rachid Pouye, also responsible for the Land Commission of the Association of Pakhoum Diobass, and his comrades, evoke “the form of the “project” of a mutual which presents crimes”. The Association for the Development of Kissane (Adek) is unequivocal: “Let all steps taken concerning this project be interrupted to see more clearly.”

Arona Rachid Pouye and his comrades emphasize that “the population of our region rejects this project which is already a source of tension and division in the village”. “Despite our multiple alerts, we have noticed that there are attempts to deliberate on our land in the name of the commune,” said Adek. Which, he warns, “would be scandalous”.

A biased form
The Collective of land holders from the village of Kissane still maintains: “Certain populations including those of Sessene suffered theft, others were compensated with the modest sum of 200,000 CFA francs per field and only received 190,000 CFA francs , the 10,000 F being deducted by an intermediary for, he says, his fuel. A family who has lived in the area for more than 10 years is ordered to abandon the premises for paltry compensation of 190,000 CFA francs. On Saturday September 7, 2024, bulldozers attacked the area to clear an area of ​​9 ha including part of the classified forest. Facts provided for and criminally punished by the Forest Code of 2018.”


In light of these details, and, they say, “before the irreparable happens”, the Diobassois consider it necessary to attract the attention of Mayor Alioune Sarr who, they say, “does not seem to think about the next generation”, on the fact that “the 66 ha in question occupy 12% of the land area of ​​the village of Kissane”, that “no agreement was found between the representative of the customs mutual Senegalese and the local populations for the lands held by them, even less with Adek”, that “the lands in question are held by identifiable persons”.

They also recall that “the local populations, for the part of the land which concerns them, are against any possible direct or indirect attribution by any means whatsoever and to anyone if not their holders”, that “a dispossession of these lands will only create one conflict, then one too many disputes which could be saved, without prejudice to its negative externalities”. According to them, “this land issue is beginning to predict uncertain tomorrows and it would be preferable for the mayor to whistle the end of recess.”

The populations, who say they are following this matter with great sensitivity and vigilance, decide to have all acts carried out in the sense of “dispossession of their land” recorded by bailiff’s writ.



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