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Our phone holds the biggest secrets of our life! Many of us are used to storing important information there, whether photos or personal data. This is why it is crucial to reinforce the security of this precious device. Here is a simple action that you should do at least once a week, according to cybercrime experts.
The phone is the target of criminals!
Right now our phone is much more than a simple communication tool ! This device is literally at the center of our lives. It also contains a lot of personal information. Including photos, banking data, private conversations, etc.
These sensitive data in our phone attract the attention of cybercriminals. They are constantly looking for loopholes to access our devices. A recent study by a cybersecurity expert highlights the extent of this threat!
In 2023, these are 33.8 million cyberattacks who targeted phones. Especially since malware is becoming more and more sophisticated. This is why caution must be exercised! And to protect our devices, we must adopt security measures. This is precisely what we are going to discuss in the following lines!
To have
If these 3 numbers appear on your phone, don't pick up: it's a scam
This gesture to do every week
This is advice that the American National Security Agency (NSA) shared with us in 2022. To protect our phone from cyberattacks, experts recommend a very simple tip. This consists of restart the device at least once a week.
According to professionals, this helps interrupt the execution of malware that could be on the device! In addition, it forces applications to re-request access permissions to phone data. This is important if the latter is already the target of criminals!
Of course, restarting your phone once a week is not enough to guarantee complete security. However, this gesture is all the more effective if you combine it with other good habits. For example, keep the operating system up to date of your device!
Likewise, always favor downloading applications from official platforms. Notably the App Store for Android users and Google Play for iPhones. But you also need to remain vigilant against suspicious links and attachments. These are often phishing attempts.
These other important precautions to secure your phone
To strengthen the security of your phone, you will need a unique password. Forget obvious combinations like “1234” or your date of birth. Instead, choose a complex code mixing numbers, letters and special characters.
To have
These signs reveal your phone might be hacked, check right away
Also don't forget toenable screen lock. If you ever lose your phone, the person who finds it will not be able to access it. Also, get in the habit of back up your data regularly. In the event of a problem, you will be able to recover your important information.
To do this, you can use the backup options offered by your phone. But you can also request secure cloud services. Be particularly careful when connecting to public WiFi networks. These networks are often less secure! They can therefore expose your device to risks.