Pixmania completes a second fundraising round and launches a crowdfunding campaign

Iconic brands never die, they say. Pixmania can attest to this. An e-commerce star in the 2000s, bought by the Dixons group in 2006 then by the German fund Mutares in 2014 before going bankrupt in 2016 then into liquidation in 2020, the brand taken over in court by its founder Jean-Émile Rosenblum has just completed its second fundraising of 11.3 million euros, an amount similar to the first fundraising carried out during its relaunch.


For this new fundraising, the marketplace specializing in high-tech products and the circular economy was able to count on some of its historical supporters such as Xavier Niel. This new funding will allow Pixmania to improve its product and service offering with the aim of reconditioning 500,000 phones in 2026 compared to 200,000 planned for this year. Last year, its turnover amounted to 35 million euros (compared to 898 million euros in 2011 when the start-up was at its peak). In addition to this fundraising, Pixmania also launched a crowdfunding campaign with individuals via Sowefund. Enough to add a community aspect to its rebirth.

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