10 million households are affected by this measure

Not everyone knows it yet. But at the end of 2019, Orange announced that it wanted to proceed with the closure of the copper networkof which he is the owner, to the 2030 horizon. A decision that sounds the death knell for ADSL. 2030 may seem far away. And yet, it is not. Because the closure of the copper network will not happen overnight. The operator Orange has decided to proceed in stages. The process has already begun and the end of ADSL is already a reality.

More than 10 million French people already affected by the end of ADSL!

Just two weeks ago, 3.7 million premises in 3,147 municipalities were already affected. This shows that Orange has already made good progress in its plan to close the copper network. But on June 14, it very clearly accelerated. Because now, there are no longer 3,147 municipalities that are directly affected by the end of ADSL. In fact, Orange has drawn up a list of 6,894 new municipalities in which the end of ADSL will soon become a reality. Which brings the total number of municipalities now affected by the end of ADSL to 10,041..

And 10041, what does that mean in terms of the number of premises? Around 10.5 million. To give you an idea, that represents just under 25% of premises connected to the Internet.

In the 162 municipalities of lot 1, it is already no longer possible to subscribe to an internet offer with ADSL. As for the 829 municipalities of lot 2, they will no longer be able to do so on January 27, 2025. Finally, the inhabitants of the 2,145 municipalities of lot 3 and the inhabitants of the 6,894 municipalities of lot 4, made public on June 14, will no longer be able to subscribe to an internet offer with ADSL on January 31, 2026.

Furthermore, in these 10,041 municipalities, the copper network will be permanently cut off no later than January 2028. Again, this may seem far away. But it will come faster than you imagine.

Which municipalities are already affected by the end of ADSL?

That’s the whole question? The list is available on the Orange website, but good luck finding your way around the Excel table made public by Orange. On the other hand, if you look at our map of the ADSL network closure, you will already see much more clearly. It is very simple to use and allows you to find out in a few clicks if your municipality is on the list of 10,041 municipalities in which the end of ADSL is already scheduled.

Among the major cities already targeted, we already found Brest, Rennes, the 3th district of Lyon, Hyères, Boulogne-sur-Mer, La Ciotat, Bourg-en-Bresse or even Dax. We now find many more. For example, we find:

  • the 9th district of Marseille
  • the 2th4th7th et 8th districts of Lyon,
  • the 1is2th3th4th12th et 17th arrondissements of Paris
  • Bordeaux
  • Tours
  • Meylan
  • Metz
  • Antony
  • Bagneux
  • Châtenay-Malabry
  • Clamart
  • Fontenay-sous-Bois
  • Issy-les-Moulineaux
  • Montrouge
  • Seals
  • Suresnes
  • Noisy-le-Grand
  • Rosny-sous-Bois
  • Cachan
  • Creteil
  • Gentilly
  • The Kremlin-Bicêtre
  • Saint-Maurice
  • Cergy

If by consulting our map, you see that your municipality is affected by the end of ADSL and that you have still not switched from ADSL to fiber, it is time to do an eligibility test for find out if your home has already been connected to fiber.

Normally, this should be the case because Orange is primarily targeting cities where the fiber deployment is complete or in the process of being completed. But this is not true everywhere. A little verification is necessary, you never know.

And if you are eligible but still connected to the Internet via ADSL, don’t waste any time, subscribe to a fiber offerThis will prevent you from taking the risk of experiencing disappointment and finding yourself deprived of the internet.



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