Meta Teases Its Holographic Glasses: Are You Ready for a 2024 Technological Revolution?

Meta Teases Its Holographic Glasses: Are You Ready for a 2024 Technological Revolution?
Meta Teases Its Holographic Glasses: Are You Ready for a 2024 Technological Revolution?

While the company is already a major player in the market with products like the Quest 3, it has ambitions to replace smartphones with compact augmented reality glasses. Recently, Zuckerberg hinted that Meta could soon unveil its first pair of “holographic” glasses.

The prototype is almost ready

In a recent interview with YouTube channel Kallaway, Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the prototype of Meta’s holographic glasses is close to being finalized. He described the product as revolutionary and mentioned that those who have had the chance to try it have been “stunned.”

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He also stressed that public demonstrations of this technology would be organized soon. However, despite these advances, the commercialization of these glasses could still be far away. Meta prefers to perfect this innovation rather than launch a prototype on the market.

Competition and justification of expenses

Meta faces increasingly fierce competition in the mixed reality space. This year, Apple launched its Vision Pro headset, while Google and Samsung have formed an alliance to develop a similar product.

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At Google I/O, Google also showed off AI-powered augmented reality glasses, so Meta’s massive spending in this area must constantly be justified by significant technological advances.

Summary Detail
Prototype The holographic glasses are almost ready.
Demonstrations Public demonstrations will be organized soon.
Commercialisation The sale could still be a long way off.
Concurrence Apple, Google and Samsung are direct competitors.

The bracelet that reads minds

In parallel, Meta is developing another revolutionary technology: a bracelet capable of reading minds. This project, also mentioned by Zuckerberg, uses sensors to detect subtle movements of the hand.

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These movements are then converted into commands for the augmented reality software. In theory, the user would only have to think of a gesture for it to be executed by the device.

Meta’s projects include several cutting-edge innovations:

  • Holographic glasses almost ready to be revealed.
  • Public demonstrations planned soon.
  • Marketing is still a long way off to perfect the product.
  • A bracelet capable of reading thoughts, still in development.

Meta seems determined to transform our daily lives with its augmented reality innovations. The question remains: what does this company have in store for us in the near future?



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