Bank of Africa: the most admired Moroccan brand in financial services

Bank of Africa: the most admired Moroccan brand in financial services
Bank of Africa: the most admired Moroccan brand in financial services

The Brand Africa 100 ranking of the most loved brands in Morocco has distinguished Bank of Africa as the most admired Moroccan financial services brand.

This ranking, unveiled during the 5th Moroccan edition of Brand Africa 100 Morocco’s Best Brands in Casablanca, is the result of a study conducted every year since 2011, which Morocco joined in 2020.

The ceremony, chaired by Thebe Ikalafeng, founder and president of Brand Africa, and Siham Malek, founder and president of Integrate Consulting and vice-president of Brand Africa North Africa, had the theme this year: “Made in Morocco: A Catalyst for Pan-African Growth and Competitiveness”.

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Mounir Jazouli, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at Bank of Africa, expressed his pride by declaring: “I am deeply honored and very proud to receive, once again, this award on behalf of the great Bank of Africa family in the 32 countries of presence. Beyond the business dimension, this consecration of our clients and stakeholders is motivated by our proactive policy of CSR and Positive Impact Finance driven by President Othman Benjelloun.”

Bank of Africa continues to innovate in banking technologies and improve the customer experience. The bank’s commitment to its customers translates into creative and tailored solutions to transform their needs into projects and their projects into successes.

This recognition coincides with the recent launch of their new commercial brand promise: “With Bank of Africa, Dima Kayn L’hal”, which reflects the bank’s values ​​of proximity, expertise, customer centricity and accessibility.

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As a reminder, the Brand Africa 100 | Morocco’s Best Brands initiative is non-profit and guarantees the objectivity and independence of the rankings, without funding from the brands. Conducted by Brand Africa 100 and Integrate Consulting, the study aims to create healthy competitiveness among companies, beneficial for the end consumer.

The study, which surveyed 1,000 respondents aged 15 and over in Morocco, mainly from urban areas, covered various sectors of activity: financial services, consumer products, media, retail, distributors energy, cosmetics, and ready-to-wear.



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