Retail sales down in May

Retail sales down in May
Retail sales down in May
Over one year, the retail trade of food, drinks and tobacco generated sales down 1.2% in nominal terms and 1.6% in real terms, adjusted for inflation (archives). © KEYSTONE/PETER SCHNEIDER

Published on 01.07.2024

Retail revenues declined in Switzerland in May. Taking into account seasonal variations, they fell by 0.3% in nominal terms over the year. In real terms, i.e. taking into account inflation, they increased by 0.4%, the FSO reported on Monday.

Still after corrections for the effect of working days and public holidays, retail trade receipts remained stable in nominal terms over one month, while they increased by 0.2% in real terms, specifies the Federal Office of statistics (OFS).

Over one year, the retail trade of food, beverages and tobacco generated sales down 1.2% in nominal terms and 1.6% in real terms, adjusted for inflation. Adjusting the results for seasonal variations, the figures remained unchanged, both in real and nominal terms.

In the non-food sector, revenues contracted by 0.1% in nominal terms, while they increased by 1.4% in real terms. For the seasonally adjusted figures, a nominal decline of 0.1% and a real increase of 0.1% were recorded.

ats, awp



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