At the new Red Cross thrift store, “the prices are incredible!”

At the new Red Cross thrift store, “the prices are incredible!”
At the new Red Cross thrift store, “the prices are incredible!”

Wednesday June 26, the Dijon Red Cross delegation opened its new solidarity store, a thrift store with branded items at reduced prices. The economy and purchasing power are on the minds of all those who pass through the doors of this store.

Late morning, the store has only been open for an hour and it is already full. “People lined up before the opening. We didn’t expect that,” explains Nicolas Taché, leader of the local section of the Dijon Red Cross. For this delegation, June 26, 2024 is a special day: it is the opening of their new solidarity store, “Chez Henry”.

Tatiana arrived an hour later. This Dijon native, mother of two, discovered the shop somewhat by chance. “I was passing in the street and I saw that it was going to open in a few days. I said to myself: why not, so I went back today,” explains the one who works in events. After seeing the items presented, she is very satisfied.

Passersby were satisfied with the opening of this new solidarity store in Dijon

© Antoine Jacquet – France 3 Bourgogne

“I can’t believe this still exists! The items are beautiful, and the prices are incredible!” Ralph Lauren shirts, Levi’s jeans, OM or PSG football jerseys, as well as overalls are available at very low prices: from five to twenty euros on average. Important help for this Dijonnaise, who raises her two children alone.

“Food, clothes: today, everything is expensive! It’s really complicated to treat yourself…”

Different audiences are targeted by this Dijon boutique. This Wednesday, a housewife rubs shoulders with students or a retiree. This diversity of profiles is sought by Nicolas Taché. “Certain Red Cross beneficiaries are targeted by this store, but also those who come for second-hand goods or the workshops that we offer.”

A person came for help with writing their CV. The others are present for the clothing offered. This is the case for Alain. Originally from Reims, he often travels to the city of dukes.

Having arrived about ten minutes before with his wife, he already likes the concept proposed by the Red Cross: “I don’t have a money problem, but when I see Ralph Lauren shirts for 14 euros, I tell myself that it’s more interesting to go and buy here.”

Some consider this type of initiative to be “the solution” to the purchasing power crisis.

© Nicolas Taché – Red Cross

With the purchasing power crisis, he believes that this kind of initiative “is a plus“to help people in difficulty. Tatiana goes further: she considers that thrift stores are “really the solution” in the face of the high cost of living.

This opinion is shared by Laure. A work-study marketing student, she considers that this type of thrift store is important for finding beautiful clothes at a reduced price. “When you’re a student, you don’t necessarily have a significant salary to be able to buy it.”

Purchasing power is one of the big themes of the legislative election campaign. This is, for example, the first point of the program of the New Popular Front. On the other hand, Jordan Bardella made this issue an absolute priority for the National Rally on TF1. In this solidarity store in Dijon, this question is not the first consideration for customers.

Two reasons for this: the first is the aversion to certain parties. Laure does not know the candidates’ answers to this question. She nevertheless thinks about voting “for a party that is not in the extremes.” Regardless of their answers on purchasing power, Tatiana will not vote for the National Rally.

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The other reason is the disconnect with politics. Tatiana explains it: “Whoever we choose, they have pretty much the same directions, they’re going to do the same. They’re all puppets; they say they want to do lots of things, but they don’t.”

According to the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, which conducted interviews with 36 abstainers, this disconnection with politicians is one of the many reasons why the French abstained in the 2022 presidential election.



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