Aviation: Boeing boss admits “seriousness” of the situation

Aviation: Boeing boss admits “seriousness” of the situation
Aviation: Boeing boss admits “seriousness” of the situation

Before a commission of inquiry of the American Senate devoted to the quality of the production of his group, the boss of Boeing, Dave Calhoun, recognized Tuesday the “seriousness” of the situation by affirming that progress had already been made. carried out.

Sitting behind him in the audience were relatives of victims of the Boeing plane crashes in 2018 and 2019, holding up photos of their fallen and signs. At the start of his opening statement, Mr. Calhoun stood to face them and apologized “on behalf of all Boeing employees around the world, past and present, for (their) losses.”

“I apologize for the grief we have caused, and I want you to know that we are fully mobilized, in their memory, to work and focus on security for as long” as necessary, he continued. . “Once again, I am sorry,” added the leader, before resuming his place in front of the senators.

“Our culture is far from perfect, but we are taking steps and we are making progress,” Mr. Calhoun said, with Howard McKenzie, Boeing’s chief engineer, at his side. “We understand the gravity, and we are committed to moving forward with transparency and accountability, while increasing employee investment,” he said.



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