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“I came back, but it’s not really life,” says a hostage who returned to Paris

“I came back, but it’s not really life,” says a hostage who returned to Paris

Survivor – Shani Goren was kidnapped from her kibbutz by Hamas fighters on October 7. Released during the only truce at the end of November, she has since returned to France where she spoke about her difficult rehabilitation.

On the difficulty of returning to normal life after a traumatic event: A former Israeli hostage in Gaza, Shani Goren, spoke on Friday about her difficulty in getting back to life during a gathering in Paris with relatives of hostages from Kibbutz Nir Oz, one of the worst hit during the Hamas attack on October 7 in Israel.

“It’s been 343 days since that Saturday when I was kidnapped from my home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, the place I thought was the safest in the world,” Shani Goren said at the rally organized with the CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) in the Jewish quarter of Le Marais, in central Paris. The young woman, who spent fifty-five days in captivity in Gaza, was among the hundred hostages freed during the one and only one-week truce between Israel and Hamas in late November 2023.

“My heart and a big part of me are still here, in this terrible place of captivity in Gaza,” she told dozens of people, including residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz, gathered behind a banner reading “Free all hostages” and brandishing photos of the captives, some of whom are mo(…) - 20minutes

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