in Argentina, a lithium solar train crosses the Andes mountain range

in Argentina, a lithium solar train crosses the Andes mountain range
in Argentina, a lithium solar train crosses the Andes mountain range

Technological innovation, for tourist use, brings back the historic train built in the 19th centurye. Except that the infrastructure is this time built by a Chinese company.

Cross one of the most beautiful valleys of the Andes in a futuristic, silent and sustainable transport. This is the promise made by the province of Jujuy, in the northwest of Argentina, about to inaugurate the Quebrada de Humahuaca solar train, named after this spectacular canyon, declared Cultural and Natural Heritage of the humanity in 2003.

This train, equipped with lithium batteries, will first travel 35 kilometers, connecting the villages of Volcan and Maimara. Work will make it possible to extend the network, in the weeks and months to come, to connect other tourist locations in this very attractive region which receives visitors from all over the world every year: Tilcara, Tumbaya, Purmamarca then finally to La Quiaca, located on the border of Bolivia. All at 50 km/h, which will give travelers time to appreciate the view. Thanks to this innovation, the railway tracks of the historic Belgrano train will once again allow the circulation of a…

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