CTM completes the acquisition of Africa Morocco Links at the price of 307 MDH

CTM completes the acquisition of Africa Morocco Links at the price of 307 MDH
CTM completes the acquisition of Africa Morocco Links at the price of 307 MDH

AML. Credit: DR

The pan-African banking group Bank Of Africa (BOA) signed, on Wednesday, with the company Compagnie de Transports au Maroc (CTM), a contract for the sale of its shares held in the company Africa Morocco Links (AML), at a price of 307 million of dirhams.

“BOA announces, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of Law No. 44-12 relating to public offerings and the information required from legal entities and organizations making public offerings, having concluded with CTM, on June 12, 2024, a share transfer contract defining the terms and conditions of the transfer by BOA of all the shares held in the company AML, i.e. 51% of the capital”, specifies BOA in a press release.

Founded in 2016, AML is a company specializing in maritime transport, focused on the connection between Europe and Morocco. AML mainly operates the line between the ports of Tanger Med in Morocco and Algeciras in Spain as well as the line between Tangier Ville and Tarifa since June 2024.

For BOA, this sale is part of the implementation of operational and strategic levers, supporting Vision 2030, including the proactive management of the portfolio of investments to refocus on the Group’s core businesses, the same company said. source.

This operation also allows AML to support a renowned Moroccan industrial partner, specialized in multimodal transport.

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