The Energy Union celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Miramas and Saint-Chamas powder mills

The Energy Union celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Miramas and Saint-Chamas powder mills
The Energy Union celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Miramas and Saint-Chamas powder mills

Since 1994, SMED 13 has supported communities in their energy projects and achievements. A local tool, it is the organizing authority for energy distribution. With the creation of the Metropolis, it becomes TE-SMED13 energy territory.

It was in the presence of Régis Passerieux, sub-prefect of Istres, numerous mayors, elected officials, representatives of the AMP Metropolis, that President Didier Khelfa paid tribute to the various presidents and members of the union committee who made living the TE-SMED13 on a daily basis during these 30 years and which have allowed it to be the essential institution that it is today.

Currently, TE-SMED13 is the organizing authority for energy distribution in 118 municipalities in the territory.

It is responsible for ensuring and controlling compliance with the public electricity distribution concession specifications, for controlling the development and modernization of the networks, for ensuring the quality and continuity of supply and for guaranteeing the good execution of the public energy distribution service.

Always more developments

It ensures project management on the network for work to strengthen and improve the electricity network in the 30 municipalities under the rural electrification regime as well as for work to integrate public distribution works into the environment. ‘electricity. “Since 1994, the TE-SMED13 has had to and has been able to bounce back and respond to a revolution that continues to grow. We owe this agility to the quality of our teams and the close proximity that we have. we communicate with all of our partners. We are and we remain a tool at the service of the communities. This is our DNA.“, underlines President Didier Khelfa.

Today, the SMED13 team is working on its commitment to a second electrical revolution whose objective is to stop the process of global warming to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 by replacing fossil fuels.

Contact: 04 90 53 84 13.


The union’s skills cover all subjects related to energy: purchase of energy, control of electricity and gas concessions, energy diagnostics, thermal renovation of buildings, burial, secrecy, securing and strengthening of the public electricity network, resorption of bare wires, energy transition, reduction of light pollution, self-consumption from renewable energies; electric mobility, technological and energy monitoring.

TE-SMED13 has 118 member municipalities, or 1,175,334 inhabitants, for 691,942 electricity users, 9,698 gas customers, 438 km of natural gas network, 13,073 km of low voltage electricity network, 8,256 km of network high voltage electrical. Each year €5 million of work is carried out with the burying of 25 km of networks/year, 180 members of the purchasing group, 4,527 public buildings and 15 photovoltaic generators in energy monitoring.



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