How to (really) maximize your chance of obtaining the energy check and avoid losing up to 277 euros?

How to (really) maximize your chance of obtaining the energy check and avoid losing up to 277 euros?
How to (really) maximize your chance of obtaining the energy check and avoid losing up to 277 euros?

The challenges of the energy check in 2025

According to recent legislative proposals, beneficiaries should be more proactive in receiving this aid, as the government plans to no longer send it automatically.

This change comes after complications linked to the removal of council tax, which impacted essential databases for identifying eligible households. This change may make it more difficult for many to access help, especially those who are unaware of these changes.

How to avoid missing your energy check

Faced with these changes, it is essential that potential beneficiaries take specific steps to ensure that they do not miss out on this assistance. Firstly, it is advisable to monitor official announcements and important dates, especially application periods which are generally fixed until December 31 each year.

To read
Energy check: income limit not to be exceeded to obtain help easily and quickly

Second, interested parties should be prepared to provide specific information such as their electrical delivery point number and tax number when applying. This requires special attention because a simple entry error can result in the request being rejected.

Technological and social challenges to overcome

The transition to an active request system poses a particular problem for those who suffer from illectronism, that is to say difficulties in using digital tools, affecting around 15.4% of French people over 15 years old. This group risks being disproportionately affected by the changes, exacerbating their fuel poverty.

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In order to overcome this problem, associations are proposing that the government set up alert systems by mail or email to inform people of their potential eligibility, a temporary solution while waiting for a return to an automatic allocation system.

Potential impact of the reform on low-income households

Critics of the reform fear that this new system will increase non-take-up of aid, which could have disastrous consequences for the poorest households. Françoise Thiebault, energy expert at the National Council of Secular Family Associations, predicts an “absolutely monstrous loss of usage rate” if the current problems are not resolved effectively.

If this reform succeeds without an effective solution for non-recourse, this could show the government's desire to make savings at the expense of the most deprived.

  • Watch for announcements and key dates.
  • Prepare your personal information in advance.
  • Contact associations for assistance if necessary.
  • Express your concerns to local representatives.

It is crucial that all stakeholders, from individuals to institutions, work together to ensure that this essential assistance reaches those who need it most, especially in these times of increased precarity.

To read
More than a million French people could miss out on aid of €277 without knowing it



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