Reimbursement, career…. everything that changes for Belgians on June 1st

Reimbursement, career…. everything that changes for Belgians on June 1st
Reimbursement, career…. everything that changes for Belgians on June 1st

VSEvery month, a series of changes take place in our country. Here’s what awaits us for the month of June.

Commuters’ journeys will be more reimbursed by their employer

Employer intervention in public transport subscriptions will increase from June 1, reaching a minimum of 71.8% of the total cost of the package.

The collective labor agreement (CCT) 19/9, adopted in 2019, provided for a financial intervention by the employer of up to 70% when their workers use the train or other public transport to get from their home to their workplace. “Following successive indexations between 2019 and 2024 on the SNCB side, employer intervention only corresponded to 56%” of the prices, underlines Laurence Philippe, Legal Expert at Partena Professional.

Faced with this situation, the social partners reacted by adopting CCT 19/11. This collective agreement provides, from June 1, for a reimbursement of 71.8% of the cost of the subscription. An indexation mechanism is also scheduled until 2029, in order to maintain the balance between the increase in the price of train subscriptions and employer intervention. The increase payable by the employer cannot, however, exceed 2.5% per year. By limiting itself to the increase provided for by the new CCT 19/11, employers will not however be able to benefit from the new tax credit. , granted from an intervention amounting to at least 79.3% of the cost of the subscription.

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The new agreement also provides that the worker chooses the transport ticket best suited to his work schedule from among the transport tickets available, and more particularly to the number of trips he must make between his home and his place of work.

Change in the administrative procedure for requesting a career break

From June 1, you will have to choose between a completely electronic or entirely paper procedure to submit a career interruption request. Mixed applications, that is to say one part completed online by the employer and the other completed by the worker in paper format for example, will in fact no longer be possible, announces the National Employment Office (Onem) on its website.

The only exceptions to the rule: requests for the education sector, the military as well as for regional, provincial, municipal or community administrations which depend on the Walloon Region and the Brussels Region. It will in fact only be possible to introduce them online from the third quarter of 2024, specifies Onem.

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Note that during the year, the paper application procedure will disappear completely, both for the employer and the worker, the institution has already warned.

Ceilings for work contractors during a public market revised upwards

The threshold amounts applicable to work contractors as part of a public contract will be increased by almost 20% from June 1, 2024, on the basis of a royal decree published on April 14. This adaptation of the law of March 1991 will take into account the evolution of costs and prices in the construction sector, mainly since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

According to this law, a scale is set to define the maximum amount up to which a public works contract can be entrusted to a contractor, depending on the approval class to which it belongs. However, these sums had never been reviewed, despite the increase in the price of raw materials and labor since 1991, representatives of the sector have denounced for several months.

According to the royal decree adapting this scale to June 1, the maximum amount of a works contract that can be entrusted to a class 1 contractor will increase from 135,000 to 162,000 euros. This maximum amount will increase from 275,000 to 330,000 euros for class 2, from 500,000 to 600,000 euros for class 3, from 900,000 to 1.08 million euros for class 4, from 1.81 to 2.172 million euros for class 5, from 3.225 to 3.87 million euros for class 6 and from 5.33 million to 6.396 million euros for class 7.



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