4.5 million French people can recover 1,200 euros in taxes, find out how to claim them

The 2024 income declaration period has been open since April. With the deadline fast approaching, there are certain expenses to remember to report. This is how it is possible to recover on average up to 1200 euros from the taxes. And this concerns no less than 4.5 million French people.

It is an immutable ritual for taxpayers. And many people think that Invoice is too salty. However, there are ways to reduce the score significantly. All you need to do is know the workings of the system and declare expenses committed which are likely to give right to a tax credit.

This tax system allows 4.5 million French people to recover 1,200 euros on average

Among the ways of using this system, the one that concerns the most households is the declaration of personal services. No less than 4.5 million French people can benefit from this advantage, according to an article published on the site Internet Journal. They will be entitled to ” a tax reduction average of 1,200 euros. » Many services fall within the criteria of this famous box 7DB.

This is the case, for example, of the services of guard children under certain conditions, but also assistance and help for the elderly and disabled. In the same way, the sums can be taken into account for gardening work, small DIY or home maintenance. French people who use a housemaid are therefore concerned.

photo credit: Shutterstock A woman files her income tax return

The amounts that can be declared for taxes can be significant

THE amounts declared can be important. Indeed, if you do not have children, you can carry forward up to 12,000 euros which will be taken into account for the calculation. Each child adds 1,500 euros to this total, which therefore reaches 15,000 euros for a couple with two children. Then, these are 50% of this amount which will be converted into a tax credit and will therefore be deducted from the taxes you have to pay.

To do this, the Steps Is simple. You must go to your personal space on the impot.gouv.fr website and open your declaration online. On the second page is the line “ Personal services : employment at home”, box 7DB. Then, expenses must be reported depending on the nature of the services provided. The calculation is carried out automatically and the final result takes into account the data entered. We must, of course, not forget to to validate changes.

Taxes can even reimburse certain amounts

Unlike a reduction tax which is ” an amount deducted of your taxes (if you pay any) »the tax credit can also be refunded if its amount exceeds that of your taxes (or if you do not pay any). »as explained on the dedicated page on the site service-public.fr. Suffice to say that the game is worth it when it comes time to checkout.

photo credit: Shutterstock The website impots.gouv.fr

Since April 11, the French have had access to the service statement online. For residents of zone 1 which corresponds to departments no. 01 to 19, it is already too late since the deadline was set for May 23 at 11:59 p.m. For the others, the countdown began. Residents of departments no. 20 to 54 (zone 2) have until May 30. The best off are the inhabitants of zone 3, departments no. 55 to 976, who will have to return their copy by June 6 at the latest.



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