Societe Atelier du Meuble Interieurs: SAM – Press release

Societe Atelier du Meuble Interieurs: SAM – Press release
Societe Atelier du Meuble Interieurs: SAM – Press release

Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting (AGO) of 06/25/2024

In the year two thousand and twenty-four and on Tuesday the twenty-fifth of June at 3 p.m., the shareholders of the Société Atelier du Meuble Interiors are gathered in an Ordinary General Meeting at the Dar El Marsa Hotel located on Avenue Habib Bourguiba La Marsa -Tunis, upon convocation of the board of directors meeting on 02/05/2024 published in JORT No. ….. of

…/05/2024, and in the Official Bulletin of the National Business Register (BORNE) No. …. from ../05/2024 Announcement


An attendance sheet has been drawn up and signed by each shareholder present or by their duly authorized representative.

Having noted that this Ordinary General Meeting had been regularly convened by the board of directors in accordance with the provisions of article 27 of the statutes, the President proposes to proceed

The president notes the absence of reservations regarding this composition and asks that this be taken into account.

The attendance sheet certified sincere and true by the members of the office shows that the shareholders present or represented represent …….. % of the voting rights. Consequently, the Assembly reaching the quorum fixed

by law and the statutes, is declared duly constituted and can validly deliberate.

The Chairman makes the following documents available to the shareholders present or represented as well as to the two tellers:

1- Copy of the notice published in JORT containing the convening of the AGM; 2- Copy of the notice of meeting published in BORNE;

3- Copy of the notice of meeting published in the Official Bulletin of the Stock Exchange and the CMF Bulletin; 4- The Assembly attendance sheet;

5- The special delegation given by the chairman of the board of directors; 6- The powers of shareholders represented by agents;

7- The activity report for the 2023 financial year;

8- The individual and consolidated financial statements closed on 12/31/2023;

9- The general and special reports of the auditor on the individual financial statements closed on 12/31/2023 and the report of the auditor on the consolidated financial statements closed on 12/31/2023;

10- The draft resolutions proposed to the AGO.

Mr. Chairman recalls that the documents relating to this meeting had been made available to shareholders at the headquarters of the Société Atelier du Meuble Interiors located at 62 Rue de l’or Zone Industrielle Sidi Daoud La Marsa, within the regulatory deadlines and that this Meeting is convened to deliberate on the following agenda appearing on the notice of meeting, namely:

  1. Reading of the report of the Board of Directors on the management of the company and the group and the individual and consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2023;

  2. Reading of the auditor’s reports on the execution of his mission;

  3. Approval of the report of the board of directors and the individual and consolidated financial statements for the financial year ending 12/31/2023;

  4. Discharge to directors for 2023 management;

  5. Approval of operations and regulated agreements covered by the provisions of articles 200 et seq. and 475 of the commercial companies code;

  6. Allocation of results for the 2023 financial year;

  7. Ratification of the appointment of the director representing minority shareholders;

  8. Resignation and replacement of an administrator;

  9. Appointment of a new administrator;

  10. Attendance fees ;

  11. Approval of the creation of a permanent audit committee within the company and the setting of their remuneration;

  12. Delegation of powers for the completion of formalities.

Company ATELIER DU MEUBLE interiors – SA Unique Identifier: 047057W – MF: 047057W/A Head Office: Industrial Zone-Sidi

Daoud – La Marsa – Tunis -Tunisia: Minutes of the AGM of 06/25/2024



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