Vetropack staff go on strike in St-Prex –

Vetropack staff go on strike in St-Prex –
Vetropack staff go on strike in St-Prex –

While the Vaud glass packaging manufacturer Vetropack begins the process of closing the Saint-Prex factory, announced in mid-May and which concerns 182 employees, the staff began a strike this Friday. He demands that management respond to his demands on a social level.

Since the announcement in mid-May of the closure of the glassworks, the employees, supported by the Unia and Syna unions, have demanded that “real negotiations” be carried out regarding the social plan.

They also demand a freeze on layoffs – around 180 positions must be eliminated – until this social plan has been negotiated and signed. They ultimately demand the maintenance of industrial jobs in St-Prex in the event of takeover by another company.

Believing that management is not responding to these three demands, the employees met in an assembly and decided to go on strike late Friday morning. The movement is followed by “a large majority” of employees, notes Nicole Vassalli, head of the Unia Vaud industry sector, contacted by Keystone-ATS.

She specifies that the factory is not completely shut down, particularly its oven, so as not to damage the installations. On the other hand, no more bottles leave the site. And this will continue as long as management does not address staff demands, says Nicole Vassalli.

She emphasizes that if Vetropack has indeed planned a social plan, it is “totally insufficient and unworthy”. Among other grievances, the unionist deplores that management refuses “any consultation of staff during the procedure”. She adds that a new meeting with management could take place on Monday. “We want real negotiations, not just discussions,” she says.

Call to resume dialogue

Vetropack management reacted Friday afternoon by “urging” employee representatives and unions to resume dialogue “responsibly”.

According to the group’s boss Johann Reiter, quoted in a press release, management “reaffirmed” its desire to discuss the social plan in preparation. “We therefore do not understand why the unions are now unilaterally supporting a strike which will considerably delay the finalization of the social plan,” he adds.

According to Vetropack, this strike affects both production and the St-Prex warehouse. The company notes, however, that it has not yet had any consequences on customer supplies, “at least in the days to come.” If the movement were to continue, Vetropack explains that it will look for “a solution” to ensure supply to customers from other factories in the group.

First layoffs imminent

Regarding job cuts, the first dismissal letters should be sent “in the coming days”, Vetropack also announced. Around half of the employment contracts will be terminated in this first phase until August 31. The other positions will be phased out until 2026.

“The dismantling of machines and installations after stopping production will require some time, which will allow us to employ some employees for longer,” explains the group.




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