Facebook wants to use your personal data for its AI

Facebook wants to use your personal data for its AI
Facebook wants to use your personal data for its AI

The group announced to Facebook users an upcoming change in its AI and data policy. Users can nevertheless prohibit this new use…

Meta will launch its AI tools in France

On May 24, 2024, a Facebook notification appeared “ We are developing AI tools for you “. Good news, a priori, as Artificial Intelligence is interfering in all daily uses of computers, tablets and smartphones. But as always on the Internet, if it’s free, you’re the product.

This business model based on users’ personal data is the heart of Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram and also WhatsApp. Thanks to these applications, the social network giant with more than 2 billion active users has a gigantic mass of data that it seems to want to put to good use once again.

By clicking on the Facebook notification, we arrive at a message which announces the color: “ We are preparing to expand our AI experiments at Meta to your region. AI at Meta is our collection of generative AI features and experiences, such as Meta AI and creative AI tools, and the models that power them. »

Facebook (META) wants to use the personal data of the French to power its artificial intelligence

Your personal data used by Facebook for its generative AI

The launch of new features does not go without a request for personal data from Meta, data which the group will undoubtedly use to improve its generative AI models. Moreover, the Menlo Park giant warns: “ To help you benefit from these experiences, we will now rely on the legal basis called legitimate interests to use your information to develop and improve AI at Meta. This means that you have the right to object to how your information is used for these purposes. If your opposition is taken into account, it will be applied from now on. »

Meta also provides a link to object to this use. At least in theory. Because this May 24, 2024 the form is not available. It will potentially be later, Meta cannot ignore European rules regarding personal data.

The group announces an update to its confidentiality policy and announces that the new conditions will be applicable from June 26, 2024probably launch date of the new features.



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