When even teachers buy peace with candy and screens!

When even teachers buy peace with candy and screens!
When even teachers buy peace with candy and screens!

We will call him Mme J.

All the children at this elementary school in Montreal dream of having him in sixth grade.

After returning from 22 days of strike, they even promised to “collaborate so that she does not go on sick leave”.

No time to waste in class. The fall was spent in intensive English, so you have to cover all the other subjects in 5 months.

But that doesn’t stop him from giving his students the day off every Friday afternoon.

Buy peace

Welcome to “Candy Screen Fridays”!

Every Friday, the students of Mme J. can bring candy or other junk and enjoy a free afternoon playing on their screens.

  • Listen to the Latraverse-Dubé meeting with Emmanuelle Latraverse via QUB :

Video games, YouTube, and so on. The students are in heaven, we must believe that Madame has holy peace.

Faced with questions from parents, she replied that she is trying to let go of the ballast so that the children end the year pleasantly.

“They are working so hard to recover the time lost during the strike.”

As one of these parents told me, “our number one struggle at this age is screens and candy, and now school is at it again!”

At most, Mme J. ended up agreeing that the candy was perhaps too much.


Friday awards are nothing new.

There was a time when students earned themselves an extra-long recess, an outing to the park.

But no, not in M’s classme J.

In this world where governments are questioning the omnipresent place of screens in the lives of young people, where parents are tearing their hair out to get them to drop out, she judged that her students deserve a freedom that their parents do not give them. do not consent.


The impact of screens on the neurocognitive development of young people is making headlines, but she concludes that two more hours will not tip the scales.

We are sorry about the sedentary lifestyle of children, the impact on their health and their learning, but she judged that using two hours of free time per week to let them sit in class was a good idea.

And the strike?? You have to believe that all his students are geniuses and that, unlike the others, they have no catching up to do.


And what does management say? It’s hard to imagine she doesn’t know.

In the current climate, would she dare to intervene and confront the union outcry for undermining “professional autonomy”?

You see, parents are afraid of shaking things up too much.

This is why they asked me to keep quiet the name of the school and the teacher.

Mme J. is a good teacher and with 6 weeks until the end of the year it’s not the time to alienate her. Even less to jeopardize my son’s academic success.

I can’t wait for the youth wings of the CAQ and the PQ to demand better supervision of screens at school!



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