How have tourist accommodation platforms imposed themselves on hoteliers?

How have tourist accommodation platforms imposed themselves on hoteliers?
How have tourist accommodation platforms imposed themselves on hoteliers?

A study by Deloitte carried out for Airbnb shows that, in 2023, they had the second highest number of nights, just behind hotels and ahead of campsites.

Short-term tourist accommodation platforms are slowly making headway. Slowly but surely. According to a study just made public by the Deloitte firm on behalf of Airbnb, on the “Economic contribution of short-term accommodation rented through platforms in France”it occupies second place on the podium in terms of number of nights.

In 2023, Deloitte calculated, these platforms (Airbnb, Booking, among others) recorded 176 million overnight stays, just behind hotels (213 million), but ahead of campsites (142 million). Short-term rental thus constitutes the second means of accommodation for tourists in France.

“We are the key player in anchoring tourism in France”

While criticism abounds against the platforms, accused of drying up the rental stock, further supporting the housing crisis, Clément Eulry, director of Airbnb for France and Belgium, highlights the success of this formula which is very popular with families, in the first place.

We are the key player in anchoring tourism in France, and therefore in the Occitanie region.”, he insists. As for the unfair competition of which he is also accused with the traditional hotel industry, here again, he puts forward a weighty argument, that of complementarity. “In France, more than 25,000 municipalities have an Airbnb and only 7,000 have a hotel”.

42 million euros of spending in La Grande-Motte

The example of the Hérault commune of La Grande-Motte is, in this respect, significant. The study shows that the city recorded, thanks to the platforms, 352,000 overnight stays in 2023 for 88,000 travelers (86% of whom are French). For a total expenditure volume of 42 million euros. “These platforms have become, today, in La Grande-Motte, the first reference in private housing”, underlines Stéphan Rossignol, the mayor.

They contribute significantly to the municipal budget. “Out of 1.5 million tourist taxes collected, a third comes from platforms, around 430,000 euros, 85% thanks to Airbnb”. The luck of La Grande-Motte is the number of its second homes, which “promotes tourist rentals by individuals”.

The advantages of tourist rental

For Olivier Petit, general director of In Extenso Tourisme Culture et Hôtellerie, if short-term accommodation platforms such as Booking or Airbnb are so successful, it is because they “have phenomenal resources, that Airbnb has deployed into a new market segment, with customers who would not necessarily have gone to the hotel industry, and that Booking has been able to establish a new, particularly effective global distribution channel.”

The Airbnb advantage: “They offer, in their rental, more spaces than traditional hotel offers, for the same price”. A significant asset for family customers in particular or what Olivier Petit calls “tribes, these groups who share the same place of stay in a friendly atmosphere, without needing the services traditionally offered by hotel establishments”.

“I haven’t seen any destruction of values ​​in the hotel industry”

It is this flexibility and this freedom, specific to tourist rentals, which “people please”. A response to “protean needs of customers, depending on whether they are on a business trip, on a leisure trip, with family or friends.” But also a response to an evolution in today’s tourism, much less fixed than when the only solution to accommodation consisted of the hotel offer alone.

But what tends to create a normalization within the tourist world, following tensions between Airbnb and the hoteliers’ corporation in particular (around taxation and taxation), is that the emergence of short-term tourist rentals duration was not to the detriment of hoteliers. “I have not seen any territory where we observe a destruction of values ​​in the hotel industry by the presence of Airbnb”analyzes Olivier Petit.

“They knew how to support developments”

For Jean-François Pouget, marketing director at Hérault Tourisme, the platforms are now taking “a good part of the mediation between the offer and the customer”. “No one can do without it anymore”, he adds. Grateful to no longer observe “complaints from hoteliers, as was the case at the beginning”.

He recognizes that these platforms “have been able to support developments in the tourist accommodation offering, with, in addition, a marketing capacity to communicate well with their customers, by offering ever more services and comfort of exchanges”. Note that in the Deloitte study for Airbnb, Hérault “is one of the departments having recorded a number of nights exceeding 4 million in 2023”.



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