Electricity tax: which French people will be the real losers from the expected sharp increase?

Electricity tax: which French people will be the real losers from the expected sharp increase?
Electricity tax: which French people will be the real losers from the expected sharp increase?

In search of 60 billion euros in savings, the government will present its draft 2025 budget this Thursday.

Among the options envisaged, a very sharp increase in the internal tax on final electricity consumption from February 2025.

But it will not have the same effect for all French people.

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Budget 2025: must find 60 billion euros

To choose his electricity supplier, Gérard is the type to compare, calculate and recalculate. “I systematically change as soon as there is a more favorable contract. If tomorrow there is another one, I will change“, he explains in the TF1 news report above. He does everything to pay as little as possible. “I pay the tax-inclusive kWh rate of 0.2018 euros, while the regulated rate is 0.2516. That makes me 15 euros per month less”he continues.

A good deal which, however, may soon be less profitable. In question, the increase in a tax, the internal tax on final consumption of electricity (TICFE), the amount of which could be doubled from February and go from 21 euros per megawatt hour to 42. With these new prices, Didier will pay 69 euros more in 2025.

“A pretty clever calculation”

Like him, are you at risk of paying more for your electricity? Not so sure, because the tax increase will not have the same effect for everyone. If, like Danièle, who also testifies to our report, you subscribe to the regulated rate, prices will continue to fall, simply less than expected. “I should have had a reduction of 66 euros and in fact, I will only have 31.75” on an annual bill of 660 euros, she assures.

A shortfall for users which would bring in between 6 and 7 billion euros for the State. “It’s a pretty clever calculation, since the bulk of the tax increase will be completely absorbed by the fall in market prices. Which means that at the consumer level, there will be no increase, but there will even be a drop in price despite everything”analysis with TF1 Alicia Bassière, researcher at CentraleSupélec. Approximately 9% of the total bill, this increase would concern 60% of French households, those subscribing to the regulated electricity rate.

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The editorial staff of TF1info | TF1 report: Charles Diwo, Carlo Parédès, Emmanuel Sarre



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