On the necessity of the peasant uprising

Following European movements, Swiss farmers in turn stepped up to the plate, at the start of the year, to express their concerns and their needs. We must all hear the cry of distress from those who feed us and who shape our typical landscapes.

When at the dawn of the 3rd millennium, our government chose to withdraw from the regulation of agricultural markets, it offered our food, one of our most precious goods, to the insatiable appetite of agro- industrial.

This choice had serious consequences. We have thus sacrificed an entire segment of our local and circular economy. Small farms are dying, leaving their place to ever larger, specialized, and isolated entities. Flour mills, butchers, bakeries and small grocery stores are gradually disappearing. There aren’t many left.

Our food must imperatively return to the center of the concerns of those primarily concerned: those who produce it, and those who consume it. And to do this, our weapons will be fair prices, transparency, respectful use of our resources and collective decision-making. Let’s no longer let a privileged few take advantage of our wealth!

In partnership with “La Semaine du Goût”



NEXT Fall in the French automobile market in May, a first since summer 2022