Call for tenders: RTC takes a step towards its vision of a one-stop shop

Call for tenders: RTC takes a step towards its vision of a one-stop shop
Call for tenders: RTC takes a step towards its vision of a one-stop shop

The Capital Transport Network (RTC) is launching a call for tenders to acquire a digital solution which should bring it closer to its vision of a one-stop shop bringing together all modes of transport.

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The transport company is looking for bidders to “acquire a digital integrated mobility solution” in connection with the “one-stop shop for the metropolitan region of Quebec”, we can read in the call for tenders. offers published Tuesday.

The RTC did not want to answer our questions on the subject in order to clarify the scope of this approach. “Communications will follow later,” said spokesperson Raphaëlle Savard.

As early as 2018, in its strategic plan for the next decade, the public body proposed the creation of a “one-stop shop” intended to be “a simple and efficient tool available to customers to access all the modes of transport offered on the territory, whether public, private or shared.

October 2025

The tender documents specify that the one-stop shop will take the form, among other things, of a mobile application and a website accessible to customers.

There is talk of commercial entry into service in October 2025, an initial deployment in the agglomeration of Quebec and the city of Lévis and a “territorial extension to the entire metropolitan region of Quebec” in 2026 .

The beta version must offer “minimally” the functions currently offered by the existing Nomade and À Vélo mobile applications. However, the documentation refers to possible partnerships with other services such as STLévis, PLUmobile on Côte-de-Beaupré, TC Jacques-Cartier, Communauto or even the Société des ferryiers.

Municipal parking lots, taxis and carpooling are other examples of services cited.

During the electoral campaign for the 2021 election, the party of Mayor Bruno Marchand also promoted “better integrated mobility”.

Québec Strong and Proud then proposed creating a single drop-off point in the form of an access card for all mobility options and committed to investing $10 million over five years to start the project.

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