Attention: the new cornerstone of advertising effectiveness

Attention: the new cornerstone of advertising effectiveness
Attention: the new cornerstone of advertising effectiveness

A contribution from Fiona Alenda, Managing Director of Channel Factory

In a world saturated with information where the average attention span of a user on social networks is only 1.7 seconds (according to a Microsoft study), the advertising industry faces a major challenge : how to effectively captivate your audience? The answer lies in a long-neglected but now crucial metric: attention.

Attention: beyond traditional metrics

For years, the industry has relied on metrics like impressions, views, or viewability. However, these metrics do not necessarily reflect the true impact of an ad. A recent study from Lumen Research found that only 4% of digital ads receive more than 1 second of attention. This alarming figure highlights the urgency of rethinking our approaches.

Attention goes beyond mere exposure; it measures the viewer’s actual engagement with the advertising content. According to a study conducted by Playground XYZ, an ad that holds attention for more than 5 seconds results in a 40% increase in recall compared to just 1 second of attention. This data highlights the crucial importance of attention in advertising effectiveness.

Attention as a lever for optimization and sustainability

In a context where sustainability is becoming a major issue for businesses, optimizing attention offers a unique opportunity. By targeting ad placements that generate high attention, brands can significantly reduce the volume of ad content needed to achieve their goals. This results in a reduction in the carbon footprint associated with the distribution and display of advertisements.

A recent study by Good-Loop showed that digital advertising generates around 5.4 tonnes of CO2 for every million impressions. By optimizing campaigns based on attention, we can significantly reduce these emissions while improving campaign effectiveness – it’s a win-win for everyone!

AI and contextual targeting: allies of attention

The emergence of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and contextual targeting, offers new possibilities for maximizing attention. We must use technologies to analyze the content and context of ad placements, ensuring that ads appear in relevant and engaging environments.

A MAGNA Global study revealed that contextually targeted video ads generate nearly 70% more attention for ads. This synergy between contextual targeting and attention optimization represents the future of effective and responsible digital advertising.

It’s time for brands and agencies to re-evaluate their strategies by prioritizing attention. By taking this approach, we can create a better, more responsible and more sustainable advertising ecosystem. The future of advertising lies not in the quantity, but in the quality of the engagement we generate. Attention is the key to this future.



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