“I call for a general mobilization in favor of housing renovation”

“I call for a general mobilization in favor of housing renovation”
“I call for a general mobilization in favor of housing renovation”

The State is committed, with record budgets devoted to improving housing, taking into account recent budgetary efforts. The deployment of France Rénov’, the public home renovation service, allows all households to access neutral and free advice to succeed in their project. Furthermore, the MaPrimeRénov’ reform charts the path towards an acceleration of large-scale renovations, the most effective in reducing energy consumption, while allowing households who wish to do so to take part in a process by gesture.

But while the State can do a lot, it cannot succeed alone. It is up to us all to create the conditions to give households confidence and enable them to embark on an ambitious renovation project.

To make their journey smoother and make it easier for them to take action, we must all work in the same direction and make them want to renovate their home. Convince them that renovating is accessible to everyone. Develop the France Rénov’ reflex, both among households and professionals, to reassure and encourage action.

General mobilization for renovation: let’s restore confidence!

We therefore need to see the emergence of a true French sector of excellence in energy renovation, from production to installation, including advice and financing. I therefore call for a general mobilization in favor of the renovation of housing, from all stakeholders, because it is in our common interest.

To the continued mobilization of the State, which must commit to giving all actors in the chain visibility and stability, whether regulatory or budgetary, in order to allow them to take ownership of this public policy . and give him the means to succeed.

To the mobilization of local communities, which are very strongly committed to the ecological transition of their territories by promoting the renovation of housing, by fighting against the artificialization of land and by allowing the rehabilitation of wastelands. Renovation also means preserving the heritage of our old centers and everywhere local initiatives are flourishing to provide territorialized responses.

The mobilization of all support professionals, whether from Anah’s historical operators, architects or design offices, to structure and develop this quality support offer for households.

HAS the mobilization of craftsmen and construction companies, and more broadly of the entire professional sector, who must take advantage of the flexibility offered to them in the coming months to succeed in increasing their skills, recruiting and training more qualified workers and organize to propose a commercial offer for large-scale renovations.

The mobilization of banks, which are essential to enable households to finance their remaining expenses and thus make their project a reality. All existing financial tools – notably eco-PTZ – must now be offered and distributed in a more sustained manner.

But I insist here: we will do nothing without households. The best help in the world and the best possible support do not erase a truth that those in the field know well: renovating your home is complicated. We know it’s in our interest to do it, but we always have a good reason to postpone it. However, there is good news, all the opinion surveys show it: the French want to renovate their homes. We must therefore take their constraints into account and offer them a path that allows them to realize their desire to renovate. And this means acting together to restore their confidence! The first step in their journey must therefore be France Rénov’, the public home renovation service.

Renovation courses adapted to each person’s situation

Engaging in energy renovation work will always take time because each home to be renovated is unique. There is no solution that can be reproduced everywhere. This therefore requires thinking carefully about your project, finding the right craftsmen and ensuring that the work is carried out according to the rules of the art. It is also about being vigilant against attempted scams.

Large-scale renovation is an ambitious objective that we must encourage among as many households as possible. For those who cannot immediately embark on a major renovation, there must be other solutions. For them, renovation often begins with a first gesture, it’s a reality… and it’s a gesture that counts! We must enable them to go further by helping them build their efficient renovation journey and supporting them in the long term.

Support for households is therefore essential to scale up quality renovations. The role of Mon Accompagnateur Rénov’ is therefore decisive in helping the household to choose the right work, to secure its journey in the face of the risk of scams, to mobilize all the aid concerned it is entitled to reduce its remaining costs.

Many players have also invested in this new market and the dynamics exceed our expectations. More than 3,000 Rénov’ Supporters are already approved throughout the country. And the approval dynamic is such that the objective of 5,000 Renovated Supporters, initially set for the end of the year, can be achieved from the 2nd quarter.

Renovation is a real opportunity for our country.

Since 2020, Anah aid has made it possible to renovate more than 2 million homes, generating more than 30 billion euros of work for craftsmen and construction companies. It is therefore a major lever of dynamism for our territories, for local employment and for the revitalization of our cities.

It is a dynamic that must now benefit the entire value chain of energy renovation: material manufacturers, distributors, installers, networking platforms, workers. We must promote these professions which recruit heavily, and organize professional training for our youth to see the 200,000 jobs we need.

Beyond the economic issue, this public policy is profoundly social, allowing households, many with modest incomes, to simply live better. By massively renovating, we enable as many people as possible to live in more comfortable housing, consume less energy and enhance their heritage.

The Minister of Housing, Guillaume Kasbarian, recently proposed a pact of confidence for renovation bringing together all the players in this ecosystem. Bank ! It is a relevant and necessary initiative. Anah will be a stakeholder and will do everything possible to encourage this general mobilization in favor of housing renovation. The planet needs it. Our country needs it. Our fellow citizens need it.



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