Federal budget: an effort of 3.6 billion euros will have to be made next year

Federal budget: an effort of 3.6 billion euros will have to be made next year
Federal budget: an effort of 3.6 billion euros will have to be made next year

LThe monitoring committee now estimates the reduction in primary expenditure to be made next year at 3.6 billion euros to comply with the European budgetary framework of limiting the deficit to 60% of GDP and limiting the growth of expenditure to 2. 89%, the newspaper said on Wednesday Litter.

This Belgian administration carried out this data update, at the request of federal trainer Bart De Wever. Its conclusions provide a direction for federal negotiators trying to agree on the formation of a government. According to the daily, this body noted that the deficit deteriorated by some 364 million euros to reach 18 billion euros for the current year. Next year, it would reach 20.5 billion euros.

In order to determine the effort to be made, the focus is on “net primary” expenditure which corresponds to all public expenditure excluding interest charges, irreducible unemployment expenditure and expenditure entirely covered by European funds.

The Monitoring Committee established this expenditure at 190.6 billion euros in 2025 following annual growth of 4.79%. So it’s too much.



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