ITALY GROWTH WINNERS & LOSERS: Websolute and SIF Italy lead the increases

ITALY GROWTH WINNERS & LOSERS: Websolute and SIF Italy lead the increases
ITALY GROWTH WINNERS & LOSERS: Websolute and SIF Italy lead the increases

(Alliance News) – The following stocks were the best and worst performers on Italy Growth on Wednesday afternoon in Piazza Affari.




Websolute is up 4.7 percent and is the biggest gainer among SMEs on the Italian Stock Exchange, with shares extending their gains of 32 percent over the past month and 40 percent over the past six months.


SIF Italia followed with a 3.9 percent gain, steering the shares to EUR 1.10 each.




Casta Diva Group fell 5.1%, marking the biggest decline on Milan’s alternative capital market, with shares heading towards EUR 1.00 each.


Convergenze is also in the red, down 4.1%. A share is worth EUR1.62, which is closer to the year-to-date high of EUR1.88 reached in July than the low of EUR1.35 recorded at the start of the year.


By Giuseppe Fabio Ciccomascolo, senior journalist at Alliance News

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