World Bank reveals reality of tourism in this country – La Nouvelle Tribune

At Maghrebtourism occupies an important place within the regional economy. Some countries, such as the Tunisia and the Morocco are doing particularly well. In this respect, the World Bank recently worked on the reality of tourism in the Kingdom, revealing astonishing figures.

According to the World Banktourism would represent 7% of the Moroccan GDP (approximately) and almost 500,000 direct jobs, or 5% of the total Moroccan working population. A sector which is therefore doing particularly well which, after difficult years marked in particular by a dark period (that of Covid-19), is experiencing a sustained and remarkable rebound.

Morocco, a land of tourism

It was from 2022 that things started to move. The lifting of health restrictions, coupled with the return of Moroccan diasporahave given a much-needed boost to the sector. Over time, visitor numbers have returned to normal, even surpassing the historic levels of the 2010s, with 14.5 million tourists recorded in 2023 alone.

During this year 2023, the tourism sector generated 104.7 billion DHup sharply compared to recent historical figures. Hospitality, catering, retail and services have all benefited to the point that supply is increasingly abundant. In the hotel sector alone, accommodation capacity has increased sharply, reaching 291,000 beds in total.

A drop in spending, per tourist

On the other hand, there has been a decrease in average spending per tourist. This spending has gone from 7,379 DH during the 2010s to 5,613 DH in 2023. This is due in particular to the global financial crisis and the rise in prices, which is impacting absolutely all sectors and, above all, all countries. In short, there are more travelers, but they are much more careful.



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