But where has DIGI, the new operator that is supposed to revolutionize telecoms in Belgium, gone? “Still no trace of the rates that will be applied”

But where has DIGI, the new operator that is supposed to revolutionize telecoms in Belgium, gone? “Still no trace of the rates that will be applied”
But where has DIGI, the new operator that is supposed to revolutionize telecoms in Belgium, gone? “Still no trace of the rates that will be applied”

In May, the managers of the company, which was founded in Romania but is also active in Spain and Italy, promised an official arrival on the market “during the summer”.Belgium represents a great opportunity for us, and we want to be a competitive operator. The ambition is to offer a different offer, as we do in the countries where we are already established. DIGI does things differently while offering all the necessary services, quality and low prices at the same time”they said at the time.

But we still haven’t seen any offers arrive. DIGI’s press service promised us news “very quickly”, but the answer was very vague. On the Testachats side, we are also very attentive to the slightest movement from DIGI.The last message received from them said this : “We are finalizing the last steps for the launch of the brand.” But, still no trace of the rates that will be applied“, Jean-Philippe Ducart, spokesperson for Testachats, tells us.

Digi operator launches in Belgium this summer, at “unprecedented prices”

More informal sources tell us that the company is facing major recruitment problems, particularly for all the technical services that will have to install the DIGI system, or even do the installations at home. Others still whisper that the ambition to practice extremely competitive rates is not so easy to put in place for the economic model to work.

As we wrote a few weeks ago, it is towards Spain that we must turn to obtain some clues on the offer.Their most affordable mobile offer offers unlimited calls and texts, with 15 GB of data (5G) for… €7 per month. And the best-equipped offer includes 200 GB for… €16 per month. No offer in Belgium can match its prices. On fixed Internet, fiber (1 Gbps) costs, in Spain, still, €20 per month“, we wrote a few months ago.



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