the regions where it has increased the most


Floods in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, storms Ciaran and Domingos, drought… Increasingly frequent weather events are increasing the bill for insurers, who then pass these costs on to our contracts. Last year, the bill came to 6.5 billion euros, Assurland said in a press release published on Tuesday, September 10. In 2022, it had climbed to 10.6 billion euros.

As a result of these two very difficult years, insurance rates have increased by 7.2% since the beginning of the year, according to data from the online insurance comparison site. The average price of a home insurance contract in France is now 243 euros, compared to 227 euros in 2023. This rate will increase again from January 1, 2025 with the revaluation of the additional premium linked to the natural disaster compensation fund. You will therefore have to pay an average of 16 euros more than last year to insure your home. “This increase of 7.2% is unprecedented since 2010,” Assurland emphasizes.

In detail, the most expensive region to insure your home is Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA), where prices have soared by 13% and where you have to pay 280 euros on average, while the least expensive is Brittany with 198 euros on average (+4.8%). After the PACA region, the biggest increases are seen in Hauts-de-France (+10.4%), Nouvelle-Aquitaine (+9.6%) and Centre-Val de Loire (+8.4%). Concerning the municipalities, Marseille (…)

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