Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez advocates “fair trade order”


Visiting Beijing, Spanish Prime Minister defends “strong ties” with China in a period of tensions.

Pedro Sanchez was received this Monday, September 9, by Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, where he pleaded for a “fair trade order”in a context of rising tensions between China and the European Union in several production sectors. “Spain wants to continue strengthening its relations with China”Sanchez assured his counterpart Li Qiang who received him at the People’s Palace, a large official building located on the edge of the famous Tiananmen Square.

But for this, he called for “to defend together a fair trade order, in full respect of the multilateral framework and keeping our markets open, which will allow our economies to grow and benefit our industries and our citizens”according to a message posted on the social network X. Mr Sanchez’s visit comes amid a resurgence of trade tensions between the EU and China, with the European Commission launching a series of procedures targeting the Asian giant in recent months.

The most contentious issue is that of Chinese electric vehicles sold in EU countries. The Commission announced on 20 August 2024 its decision to impose a five-year surcharge on electric cars from China, including those from the American manufacturer Tesla, which has a factory in Shanghai.

“Strong ties”

The following day, China announced it was opening an investigation into what it deemed to be unfair trade practices by the European Union regarding certain imported dairy products. Beijing launched a similar procedure into imports of pork and pork products from the European Union.

Spain is the largest European exporter of pork products to China, with more than 560,000 tonnes exported in 2023, for a total value of 1.2 billion euros, according to the interprofessional organization Interporc. On the first day of his visit to the Asian giant, Pedro Sanchez wanted to be conciliatory, calling for «dialogue» and to the “cooperation” with China. Inaugurating the China-Spain Economic Forum in Beijing, the socialist leader welcomed the “strong ties” which unite the two countries.

“Even on issues where our positions are not exactly the same, we maintain a constructive desire for dialogue and cooperation.”he said, according to a video posted on X. “We are committed to developing a positive agenda and finding consensual solutions that benefit all parties.”he added.

“Balanced relationship”

Pedro Sanchez then met with the China-Spain Business Advisory Council, which he described as“example of mutual commitment to strengthen and deepen trade and investment relations between our two countries”. “Our objective is clear: to promote a balanced relationship, based on respect and reciprocity, and beneficial for both nations”he assured.

Pedro Sanchez is also due to be received by President Xi Jinping and then by Zhao Leji, the third most important Chinese politician. The Spanish Prime Minister was received by the Chinese leader during his last visit to China in March 2023 and participated in the Boao Forum of Asia, the equivalent of the World Economic Forum in Davos, on the Chinese island of Hainan.

He will be in Shanghai on Tuesday and Wednesday, where he is scheduled to meet with leaders and businessmen and also inaugurate a Cervantes Institute, a Spanish cultural center. His arrival in China comes shortly after the arrival in Spain of the Venezuelan opposition candidate for the July presidential election, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who is contesting the re-election of Nicolas Maduro.

On Saturday, during a meeting of the leadership of the Socialist Party, which he leads, Pedro Sanchez assured that Spain “(was) not going to give up” Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia, described as “hero”The country will grant him asylum. China, for its part, maintains privileged ties with the government of Nicolas Maduro.


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