Corinne Lepage files an appeal against the reauthorization of the pesticide

Corinne Lepage files an appeal against the reauthorization of the pesticide

EShe denounces a “violation of the precautionary principle”: the former Minister of the Environment and former MEP Corinne Lepage filed, on Friday August 2, before the Court of First Instance of the European Union, an appeal against the regulation which extended by ten years the marketing authorization of glyphosate, announces The Parisian this Sunday, September 8.

This appeal was filed on behalf of three associations, Criigen (Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering), the Association of Anti-Pesticide Mayors and the association Agir pour l’Environnement. They believe that the herbicide is dangerous because it is classified as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). “Do we all have to be guinea pigs in the name of intensive agriculture that uses toxic substances such as glyphosate?” the three organizations ask.

READ ALSO Glyphosate: the long history of manipulation

A “totally questionable” decision, according to Corinne Lepage

The extension of the authorisation was decided in November 2023, a “surprising” decision, according to Corinne Lepage, who points out that “the previous one lasted 5 years”, and “that it places the burden of all the precautions to be taken on the Member States”. A “totally questionable” situation according to the former minister, because “the active substance glyphosate was studied alone, in isolation. However, glyphosate alone does not exist: everywhere in the […] Read more


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