Parkinson’s treatment could delay progression of form of AMD, study finds

Parkinson’s treatment could delay progression of form of AMD, study finds

The leading cause of visual impairment in people over 50, AMD, or age-related macular degeneration, has two major forms. We distinguish wet (or neovascular) AMDcharacterized by the proliferation of new dysfunctional vessels under the retina, atrophic or “advanced dry” AMDwhere the photoreceptors in the macula gradually disappear, followed by the cells of the retinal pigment epithelium.

In a new study, recently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation (source 1), Inserm researchers report the effectiveness of a treatment to slow the progression of the wet form of AMD. This is dopaminergic drugsalready used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

An association that intrigued researchers

The researchers said they wanted to explore the link between Parkinson’s and AMD, as previous studies had reported an association between Parkinson’s disease and a reduced risk of contracting wet AMD.

In cellular and animal models, scientists have shown that L-Dopa, a drug from the dopaminergic family used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, activates a specific receptor in the brain, called DRD2“, we can read in a press release. It is then this activation of DRD2 which blocks the formation of new vessels…

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