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In Paris, the opening of the James Baldwin media library postponed by the staff strike

June 7, the James Baldwin media library, 3,700 m2 in the 19th centurye Parisian district, was to open with great fanfare. Ten days later, it keeps its doors closed, its agents are on strike, and its director Christophe Sene, who led the project since 2021, left his position. His assistant remains in place, and conservatives should provide an interim period, we learn Aurélia CollotSupap-Fsu union representative.

Incomplete collections

Reason for this postponement of opening: an undersizing of the teams, as well as the time given to complete the creation of the media library. On June 7, according to Aurélia Collot, the signage had still not been installed, and the collections were incomplete, particularly those concerning the LGBTQIA+ community, ecology, migrations, “ funds which constitute the identity of the media library “, specifies the union.

What the strikers are asking for: the postponement of the opening to September. But this would punish the residents of the neighborhood throughout the summer, points out the City. “ It is then a matter of finding a compromise, trying to open in June but in a restricted manner. In the meantime, we maintain the strike notice », concludes Aurélia Collot, rallied by the CGT and FO. A document that extends to all library staff in Paris.


Concerning the question of understaffing, the City indicates that “ 42 agent positions were created by the City of Paris to operate the establishment, which represents a considerable effort. The team now numbers 37 people. The latest recruitments are underway and should arrive quickly. Additional resources are mobilized (HR reinforcements, management support, training, etc.) in order to guarantee optimal functioning for the team and users from the opening. In addition, two teams of 8 temporary workers are planned to ensure Sunday openings from September. This number therefore corresponds perfectly to the standards of public reading equipment of this scale. »

Added to this is the context of the Olympic Games which will take place this summer in Paris. Supap-fsu demands a minimum bonus of 1,500 euros for all staff present at the time of the Olympics. The City instead promises “ 5 bonus levels, ranging from 600 to 1,900 euros. This bonus will reward effective and exceptional investment in the JOPs and will be awarded to agents experiencing an intensification of their workload during the preparation, organization and/or participation in the conduct of the JOPs. At the end of the social dialogue, nearly 20,000 agents will be affected by this bonus. » At the same time, the ceiling on childcare checks was raised.


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