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Henri Guaino guest of honor at the Livre en fête

The third edition of the Livre en fête will be held at the L’Agora room on the weekend of Saturday October 12 (from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and the following day, October 13 (from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

For this third edition, Henri Guaino, politician and essayist, will be the guest of honor at the show. At his side, and last-minute guest, political journalist Éric Revel. And as for the two previous editions, the godmother of the event is the singer Stone.

At their side: around fifty authors will be present during these two days, they will give pride of place to novels, short stories, well-being books, historical and detective books, without forgetting the children’s sector. A sort of Spanish reading inn which will bring together local authors and those from elsewhere. Among them, Marie-Claude Aristégui who will present her latest detective novel “Un auteur de trop” but also Thomas Brosset, author of a detective series with an ornithology background.

“The desire of the municipal team is to promote culture for everyone and with everyone; It is in this spirit that we designed the third edition of the Livre en Fête de Saint-Xandre,” confides Mayor Évelyne Ferrand. “We want this event above all to be festive and friendly, around their common passion, authors and readers will be able to dialogue, exchange, share experiences and favorites,” adds Évelyne Ferrand

Two Prizes

Each author will benefit from a highlight, during an exchange on stage with a presenter. At the end of the event, two prizes will be awarded: that of Best Novel and that of the Youth Prize. An awards ceremony which will take place on Sunday from 5 p.m. Please note that children’s author Didier Dominguez will donate part of his sales to the Les Anges de Noé association which supports parents in the loss of a young child. “We are an association providing assistance to families affected by Perinatal Bereavement in the and sector,” explains Diego Almeida, the president of the association.

Book in Festival. Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13. Agora room. FREE ENTRANCE.


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