-Bègles and in the lead, the Ile-de- clubs are breathing

Union -Bègles and are at the top of the Top 14 at the end of the matches of the fifth day on Saturday, defeating , while the Ile-de- clubs have given themselves a little breathing room.

. The UBB is scared

A week after its historic victory at Ernest-Wallon against Toulouse, the UBB continued at home against (30-27), its fourth success in five matches this season.

The Bordelais continued to favor the game and scored four tries. But, well ahead after 50 minutes of play, they fell asleep and allowed the Bayonnais to return to equality five minutes from the end. As against Toulouse, a kick from opener Matéo Garcia made the difference (77th).

Another juggernaut of the Top 14, La Rochelle is a hit by taking the offensive bonus against (43-22). The Maritimes, however, had difficulty getting into the match, and were trailing 15-6 after half an hour of play before the steamroller took hold.

Both teams are at the top of the standings. Only can join them in the event of a victory on Sunday against Clermont, and even overtake them in the event of an offensive bonus.

. Second defeat for Toulouse

Already beaten during the 4th day at home by UBB, the Toulouse team lost again in (28-23).

After a solid start, materialized by a try from Thomas Ramos, author of 18 points in the match, the Rouge et Noir lost the thread.

As against UBB, they experienced a gap by not scoring any points between the 33rd and 78th minutes, where Thomas Ramos put them back in the defensive bonus zone. And there again, as against UBB, they had one last opportunity to get back in front at the siren, but came up against a solid defense.

Toulouse have not won in Castres since 2019. The two teams are tied in the standings with 15 points, in 3rd and 4th place.

. Air for the Stade Français

In the match of fear between Stade Français, which dismissed its coach Karim Ghezal at the start of the week after a failed start to the season (3 defeats, one victory) and , hardly better ranked, it was the Parisians who gave themselves a little air (29-20).

Entering the game at half-time, Louis Carbonel sounded the revolt of his team, then trailing by one try (13-6) and without inspiration. In particular, he managed to find an interval and launched a combination which resulted in a try from Masivesi Dakuwaqa.

Carbonel then transformed (46th, 13-13), taking his revenge after his performance against Toulon during the previous home match. He then landed every kick he had.

Earlier, at the start of the day, the other club from the region, Racing 92, reassured itself a little by winning in (27-24).

Trailing by seven points at the break, the Ciels et Blancs favored combat over big flights. They took advantage of the poor performance and the indiscipline of Vannes to score two tries and a penalty and give themselves just enough margin to resist the return of the locals.

. loses with Auradou

For his return to the field, almost three months after his indictment for rape, for which he is still being prosecuted in Argentina with Oscar Jegou – the prosecution having however requested a dismissal -, the Palais Hugo Auradou, holder, did not could not prevent the defeat of his team in (11-10).

The international played 74 minutes, before leaving under the whistles of the Aimé-Giral stadium. Pau then led, but a penalty from Aucagne several minutes after the siren allowed Perpignan to snatch the victory.




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