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the Image Searchers photo book


Céline Ravaudet

Published on

5 oct. 2024 à 19h36

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The Image Searchers have just finalized a project which will have mobilized them for almost two years. Indeed, next October 18 will mark the release of their first photo book.

They gave it a nice name because « Curious by nature ». “It’s the fruit of collective work,” explains Pierrette Le Gal, who set up a steering committee, “made up of twelve volunteers. »

This group met weekly from January to August to sort over 2 500 images. “We saw foxes passing by! », smiles the president of the association who recalls that the idea was to produce “ something that remains and is shared. »

But also highlight “the beauty of nature on our territory. We want, by sharing our photos, to make people want to go out, to leave the screens aside for a moment to discover an environment that we too often forget to look at…”

Nearly 200 photos

160 photos were retained. They are highlighted through five chapters thanks to the modern layout of David Einhorn, a member of the association. These images are accompanied by texts, also carefully chosen, “with testimonies, anecdotes, and even poems. »

Videos: currently on Actu

The book, which has 108 pages, was printed a few days ago in Finistère. It opens with a preface by David Lédan, ornithologist photographerand host of the Gulf natural park who speaks of “the heart of a collective that beats for nature. » It is he who will host the evening of October 18th organized by the Image Searchers on the occasion of the release of the book.

500 copies have been published so far. More than half have already been reserved.

“We will deliver it to people who participated in the subscription during this evening and then we will be present to sell it during events, in particular at the Bignan photo festival, on November 1, 2 and 3,” say the members of the steering committee, eager to browse and especially share their work.

Current and upcoming exhibitions

Until November 15, outdoor exhibition “Curieux de Nature”, town of Grand-Champ.
October 18, conference evening with David Lédan on the occasion of the release of the book “Curieux de nature”, Jo le Cheviller room in Grand-Champ at 8 p.m.
From November 16 to December 21, exhibition “The frame within the frame”, Locqueltas media library.

Please note. Subscription on HelloAsso until October 11 (20 euros per book, then 23 after this date). To find out more, website: Contact: [email protected] Evening October 18, at the Jo Le Cheviller room. Free entry, no reservation required.

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