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Clémence Biel, from , author of the book “What if your mother was the problem?”

“To those who suffer from their relationship with their mother but who have been conditioned since childhood to believe that the problem comes from them.
For those who get anxious when an incoming call says “mom.”
To those who feel guilty for fear of being “an ungrateful daughter”.
To those who sacrificed their deep identity to meet their mother’s expectations.
To those who feel like a wounded little girl despite their appearance as a powerful woman… I am speaking to you.
The title of this book was not chosen to accuse your mother, but to challenge you.
The relationship you had with your mother is your foundation.
No matter how hard you try, the life you are trying to build will remain shaky until your foundations are healthy and solid.
How did your mother’s influence shape the woman you became?
Did you grow up with a toxic mother?
And if so, what type?
What psychological and cultural blocks prevent you from completely emancipating yourself?
What are the steps to take to get out of the nice girl role and become fully yourself?
In this book, I’m not going to tell you, “Your mother did her best!” or “You only get one mother!”
Instead, I suggest that you put words to your wounds in order to transform them.
Drawing on neuroscience, developmental psychology, cognitive and behavioral therapy techniques and the thousands of testimonies I have received, I will guide you step by step towards emancipation.
I am Clémence Biel, an expert in mother wounds, founder of the Instagram account and the program Become Your Own Mama which helps women free themselves from the patterns inherited from their mothers.
You are no longer alone, there are millions of us.”

Clémence Biel, author of the book “What if your mother was the problem?”, published by Albin Michel.

“What if your mother was the problem?” by Clémence Biel

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