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Exclusive: Cyril Baille indulges in XV Ovalie during a memorable pétanque weekend! – Quinze Ovalie

The entire XV Ovalie team took part in the Pétanque Days last weekend. A friendly event with a backdrop of pétanque, good times and laughter. It all took place in , at the location of the Guinguette des Copains, owned by Cyril Baille and Antoine Dupont.

And as announced by the organization, Cyril was there, petanque balls in hand. We took the opportunity to chat with him.

Update on the Toulouse pillar’s convalescence

Let Toulouse and French XV supporters rest assured, Cyril is back on his feet! We remind you that he suffered a ruptured ankle ligament + a fractured fibula in the Top 14 semi-final against .

Having had an operation in the process, he couldn’t even watch the final played by Stade Toulousain (well, yes, in front of his TV). It’s been almost 3 months since all that happened, and the guy is well and truly back on his feet. He’s even started working out again!

Between games of pétanque and lively discussions

We were able to chat with him throughout the weekend. He also participated in the Friday competition (which we won ^^) and the Saturday competition (which we didn’t win, we had given our all the day before!). And since pétanque also involves discussions around the bar and laughs on the sidelines, we chatted a lot between each game.

Cyril Baille confides in XV Ovalie

Clovis for XV Ovalie: How is your recovery going? Are you in too much pain?

Cyril Baille: “It’s been a month now that I’ve been able to walk properly. I’ve had a hard time. But now it’s okay, I’m walking well again and it’s coming back little by little.”

C. XV: Did you not gain too much weight during your convalescence?

CB: “No, I even lost 6 kg! But the thing is, I only do bodybuilding at the moment, so I lost a little weight, but I gained muscle.”

Editor’s note : To all those who have already taken a tackle from Cyril, tell yourself that he will come back even sharper! So take good care of your core!

C. XV: I played with Yannick Caballero and Karena Wihongi at Saur Agout (Pena XV for those who know) and we were French champions together.

CB: “Karena Wihongi, honestly I think he’s the hardest guy to move against that I’ve ever played. He’s massive and to make him back down is hell. He’s a monster, this guy.”

C. XV: When do you think you’ll be back on the field?

CB: “I should be able to resume by December. I have to work until then, but everything should be solid and in place for me to come back in good shape.”

He even told us about : “Castres, watch out this year! With Ambadiang, things could change. On the other hand, too bad for you, Staniforth will be missed, you’ve lost a big part anyway.”

XV Ovalie: partner and winner

So yes, we still participated in this event as partners. We really wanted to make an impression once we were there. So we won the partners’ competition against the Toulouse Métropole team.


Besides, I took a mischievous pleasure in slipping it to Mr. Moudenc, the mayor of Toulouse, when he was doing his round of greetings. I teased him about pétanque, he teased me about rugby (we’re from Castres), normal!

But beyond all that, we met a lot of people, had a great time, super friendly and fun, and we were able to make our brand known beyond the pixels we publish every day. We also announced there exclusively the release of our clothing line… Soon for sale on the site. We promise, we’ll tell you more about it very soon.

An enriching experience at the heart of rugby

The Pétanque Days were a real treat, both for the atmosphere and the people we met there. And by the way, we came out victorious for at least one day ^^

This experience allowed us to strengthen our ties with the rugby community, to share special moments with Cyril Baille (who is truly a great guy, by the way), and to fully experience the conviviality that characterizes our sport.

These moments off the field are precious and we took full advantage of them! See you at the next edition ????


I grew up in a family where rugby was a constant presence. I was on the edge of the field when Castres beat and joined the elite, I was in the Stade Pierre Antoine facing Gary Whetton when he did his Haka to celebrate Castres’ first Brennus and I have always been surrounded by the legends of this sport. Now, it is with XV Ovalie that I intend to extend the adventure.

I share my passion with our readers to unite around the most beautiful team sport there is. #TeamCO


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