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Why Caroline Fourest’s new book on #MeToo is going down badly – ​​Libération


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The highly publicized essayist returns in “Le Vertige Me Too” to the movement for the liberation of speech and points out its “excesses”. Enough to provoke much criticism among feminists who accuse him of weakening their fight.

A flammable subject, an extraordinary promotion and, in the end, an inevitable controversy. Caroline Fourest’s books respond to an implacable mechanism that Vertigo Me Too (Grasset), which is coming out these days, does not deny it. A feminist activist and prolific essayist, this more than committed journalist looks back at the history of the movement, from the Harvey Weinstein affair to the metamorphosis of Judith Godrèche. Reviewing examples chosen from current events (Baupin, Polanski, Hulot, PPDA, Depardieu, etc.), the director of the weekly of radical centrism Free Shooter greet “this beautiful revolution”, but which sometimes falls into “the terror”. She says she wants to protect her from his “excess”, the placing on the same level of rape and an inappropriate gesture. This “vertigo is necessary”, because no “it wasn’t better before”, but “Not all Me Toos are equal.” It’s necessary “graduate”, she often writes, to rule “on a case-by-case basis”.

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