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Pizza Mania, Alpha Pezone’s new book is a treat!

Pizza Mania, Alpha Pezone’s new book is a treat!

PIZZA MANIA, the new book byAlba Nipple follows pizza from Naples to Paris via Marseille, flagship cities of this dish and which are both its territory and its breeding ground. To devour without moderation! Also find the interview with the author Alba Pezzone at the beginning of France Pizza magazine No. 103 and here on

This is a magnificent book! Inspiring and inspired, it reads like a joyful, uninterrupted dialogue between men, their cities and a curious and enlightened foodista who is sincerely amazed at each encounter. Naples, Marseille, Paris, the Neapolitan woman explores the major territories of pizza (outside the USA) in search of the best pizzaioli. She explores the origins of this popular dish but also the new frontiers and definitions that its evolution generates. Through 25 encounters and 110 recipes, the author, trainer and cook, explores pizza which, depending on the cultures and countries that approach it, shake it up, enrich it and transform it, is never quite the same or quite another. In Naples, Alba (re)gathers what is most Italian in pizza to better distance herself from it and explore what is most “international” in this dish that has become universal. In Marseille, she is enthusiastic about pizza trucks, unknown in Naples. In Paris, she discovers what makes the evolution and the pizza revolution and the immense diversity of creations that this dish inspires. Lively, enthusiastic and documented, this book is devoured like a huge pizza that you are in no hurry to finish.

PIZZA MANIA  pby Alba Pezone, photos by Roberto Salomone. Ed de La Martinière, 368 pages, June 14, 2024, €35.90.


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