Youth books | Our suggestions

Among the children’s books or adolescents published recently, here are six titles that caught our attention.

Posted at 5:00 p.m.

For the little ones: Pauline hates spelling

Nose droppings easily make children laugh. In this very comical album, we meet René, “a pretty motton from Morve” which hangs from Pauline’s nostril. The mother’s mother would like to make him disappear, but the child prevents her. A book all in humor which still contains relevant information on the usefulness of René and his fellow men.

René my nose can. Text by Marie-Eve Leclerc-Dion, illustrations by Stéphanie Savard. Éditions Québec America. From 3 years old. In bookstores from January 28.

René my nose can

Text by Marie-Eve Leclerc-Dion, illustrations by Stéphanie Savard

Quebec America editions

From 3 years old

For primary children: unexpected final

Image provided by the editor

Extract from Out of the way. Text by Isabelle Trépanier, illustrations by Marie-Ève ​​Turgeon.

Bleed against his mother and father, Jonah Fugue. He trains his brother Romeo in his flight. What happened so that the boy is so angry with his parents? This short novel, which features a deaf character wearing cochlear implants, ends on a final as surprising as touching. Difficult not to shed tears.

In bookstores from January 28

Out of the way. Text by Isabelle Trépanier, illustrations by Marie-Ève ​​Turgeon. Editions Station Jeunesse. From 9 years old.

Out of the way

Out of the way

Text by Isabelle Trépanier, illustrations by Marie-Ève ​​Turgeon

Youth Station editions

From 9 years old

For primary children: see life differently

Image provided by the editor

Extract from On the spectrum – tome 1, Agathe and Victorfrom Catherine Bourgault

Mother of two autistic boys and another with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, the author Catherine Bourgault was inspired by her children to create the series On the spectrum. In this first volume which transports the reader to a respite house for adolescents, we plunge into the head of Victor, a young autistic for whom everyday life often brings too much stimuli. We also follow Agathe’s thoughts, a neurotypical teenager who will develop a special friendship with this new resident. A novel that allows you to better understand the realities of people living with a disorder of the autism spectrum.

On the spectrum – tome 1, Agathe and Victorby Catherine Bourgault. Les Malins editions. From 9 years old.

On the specter - Volume 1, Agathe and Victor

On the spectrum — tome 1, Agathe and Victor

Catherine Bourgault

Les Malins Éditions

From 9 years old


For adolescents: in anticipation of Valentine’s Day

Image provided by the editor

Extract from 16 kmd’Annie Morin

Large shy, Victoria loves books and is passionate about ancient languages. Great sportsman, Adam likes bicycle and is part of the sports-study program of his school. To their own astonishment, the two adolescents will team up to solve a problem in their school bus. Presented in turn from the girl’s point of view and then the boy, this pretty love story is a perfect reading a few weeks from Valentine’s Day.

16 kmfrom Annie Morin. La Bagnole editions. From 12 years old.

16 km

16 km

Annie Morin

La Bagnole editions

From 12 years old

Comic strip: comforting reading

Image provided by the editor

Two extracts from the comic strip Little little -known trades. Text by Vincent Zabus, illustrated by a collective of designers.

Impossible not to smile while reading this little comic book. The scriptwriter Vincent Zabus imagined a host of trades which, if they existed, would bring a balm on the lives of people. From the scaper of regrets, which makes the sorrows disappear, to the restaurateur of memories, who brings back significant moments, about fifteen jobs are explored in this book illustrated by as many designers. An ode to living together that warms the heart.

Little little -known trades. Text by Vincent Zabus, illustrated by a collective of designers. Dupuis editions. From 12 years old.

Little little -known trades

Little little -known trades

Text by Vincent Zabus, illustrated by a collective of designers

Dupuis editions

From 12 years old

Documentary: vegetables under the magnifying glass

Image provided by the editor

Extract fromAt the vegetable table. Text by Jacques Pasquet, illustrations by Claire Anghinolfi.

Where do the cabbage, carrot and artichoke come from? Why do we cry when cutting onions? How long has you been eating potatoes in Quebec? Very instructive, this documentary presents a panoply of information on vegetables and their history. It also provides a nuanced answer to the famous question: is tomato a fruit or a vegetable? A book to slide in the hands of curious children to learn more about food.

At the vegetable table. Text by Jacques Pasquet, illustrations by Claire Anghinolfi. Editions of Isatis. From 10 years old.

At the vegetable table

At the vegetable table

Text by Jacques Pasquet, illustrations by Claire Anghinolfi

Editions of Isatis

From 10 years old



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