“My Plans? Make it read! »: Stéphane Michalon appointed director of the Librairie nouvelle d'Orléans

He arrived at the head of Librairie nouvelle six weeks ago, in the middle of the Christmas rush. A period when Stéphane Michalon, new director of the establishment, therefore, had “a lot of pleasure in advising clients on French literature, for example by directing them towards Mythology of.12 by Célestin de Meeüs, a first novel whose style is remarkable or Return to Belfast by Michael Mague,” he says.

And also confides: “I am very happy to become a bookseller again. It’s the job that made me grow professionally, my original job: reading , meeting clients, listening, advising…”

Distribution of digital books

Stéphane Michalon, in fact, began his career in 1991 as a bookseller at the Virgin Megastore on the Champs-Élysées, “I went through all the departments”, before joining the L'Arbre à Lettres network, “a small chain of independent bookstores” where he will occupy the position of general manager.

Stéphane Michalon then turned to digital by creating ePagine, a site dedicated to the dissemination and distribution of digital books or by also developing the placedeslibraires.fr platform.


“I am very happy to continue “my third professional life” in this new bookstore,” assures the man who has been based in the Johannine city for twenty-five years. “A very old bookstore even if it was bought successively by Privat, Chapter then Albin Michel. There is still this Loddé heritage, this important anchor in the city which, I think, must be preserved. »

“What are my plans? My desires? Make it read! May this bookstore be welcoming and happy, by intelligently mixing stationery and bookstores. Because they go so well together! »




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